Can no longer boot into OS 9 - Please Help!!

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
If anyone can, please help me out. I have a 867Mhz Quicksilver G4 which shipped with OS 9 as its native OS. I've long since upgraded to 10.3.2 and recently, I have been completely unable to boot into OS 9. I wiped my startup disk as well as a second internal hard drive and reinstalled 10.3.2 onto my startup disk and OS 9 onto a partition of my second. I selected OS 9 as my startup system folder and when it restarts, I get a folder that flashes between a question mark and a Mac face for a couple of seconds, before just switching to the gray screen with the dark gray Apple logo, characteristic of OS 10.3. I still do alot of work with OS 9 and need to be able to boot into it because Classic doesn't support all of the drivers and extensions I need. Any ideas? Thanks.


  • Reply 1 of 5
    ebbyebby Posts: 3,110member
    I did the same thing. Turns out OS9 disk drivers are not installed when you initialize the drive for 10.3.2. You need to backup, reformat the drive from the OS 9 CD, and restore OS 10. I couldn't find any way to add OS9 drivers after you format with the OSX CD.
  • Reply 2 of 5
    homhom Posts: 1,098member

    Originally posted by Ebby

    I did the same thing. Turns out OS9 disk drivers are not installed when you initialize the drive for 10.3.2. You need to backup, reformat the drive from the OS 9 CD, and restore OS 10. I couldn't find any way to add OS9 drivers after you format with the OSX CD.

    If I'm not mistaken there is a check box when you format the drive that allows you to install Mac OS 9 drivers.

    Otherwise, you're right. Format from Mac OS 9 then install OSX.
  • Reply 3 of 5
    This is more of a Genius Bar thing. Liberating this thread by moving it there now.
  • Reply 4 of 5
    dmband0026dmband0026 Posts: 2,345member

    Originally posted by HOM

    If I'm not mistaken there is a check box when you format the drive that allows you to install Mac OS 9 drivers.

    Otherwise, you're right. Format from Mac OS 9 then install OSX.

    Correct, just make sure when you format the drive that the OS 9 drivers are installed or you can't boot into it no matter how hard you try. No need to format the whole drive in OS 9.
  • Reply 5 of 5
    ebbyebby Posts: 3,110member
    Ahhh but I checked. There is on my 10.2.8 CD but there are different options on the 10.3 upgrade CD and "Install MacOS 9 Drivers" is not one of them.
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