iPod could bring in $1 Billion for Apple this year
iPod could bring in $1 Billion for Apple this year, and $2billion by 2006.
Now this is from Merrill Lynch who seems to normally be negative to Apple. What ya think, realistic?
[Link too long, copy the URL to view. - Brad]
Now this is from Merrill Lynch who seems to normally be negative to Apple. What ya think, realistic?
[Link too long, copy the URL to view. - Brad]
Originally posted by ast3r3x
[Link too long, copy the URL to view. - Brad]
Doesn't this work?
Nevermind... it doesn't
"and ipods, well we sold about 10 million units-thats(starts dr evil voice and raises pinky to lip) one-billion-dollars BREWHAHAHAHAHA BREEEEEAAWWWWHAHAHAAHAHAH(end of evil voice and hand returns to side) and now heres osx for the penteum/athalon chips (dr evil voice again)we will use this little beutey to take over the world, TO HELL WITH BILL GATES(speach suddenly ends with steve being served with a lawsuet from the MPAA)