Maya...on the mac.

in Mac Software edited January 2014
Well- I'm taking a 3D modeling class this semester. We're using 3DsMax on PCs with win2k and I don't really mind the 3DsMac program, but windows sucks!

I'm looking into getting a new computer in the fall/winter of next year (I know thats a long way away, but hey- I have to start somewhere). I'm looking into getting a G5 and I wouldn't even consider a PC.

I tried using Maya PLE on my iBook (don't laugh- I just wanted to play around). It was usable, but not great.

Is there any advantage of using Maya over 3DsMax? Is Maya optomized for the G5? How about SMP aware? I don't know about it- but the interface seems to need some work- was it ported over from a standard Unix app?

How easy is it to use compaired to 3DsMax? What other possibilities are there for mac?

I just curious about 3D now that I actually know how to do some stuff with it. Its pretty cool! I'll post some of my projects later this semester.




  • Reply 1 of 2
    tuttletuttle Posts: 301member
    There are a ton of little UI bugs in the current Mac Maya version. Annoying but nothing that gets in the way of actual use. The Mac UI feels slower than the Microsoft version in my experience.

    The problems with the current Mac version though don't change the fact that for what I use it for, game development, there is nothing that can touch it for workflow. I don't do a lot of heavy rending, mostly just previewing, so I can't really comment on that aspect of Maya. But for tools, modeling, and animation, Maya is simply incredible.

    Better places to ask for opinions are the Alias Maya Mac discussion board on their site and also highend3d.
  • Reply 2 of 2
    cam'roncam'ron Posts: 503member
    didnt they make lord of the rings using maya? ive only heard good things about it.
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