Jackson planning DVD-HD box set for LOTR?

in General Discussion edited January 2014
After the Oscars (at an afterparty hosted by TheOneRing.net) Peter Jackson was quoted as saying he hoped to put out a LOTR box set with high-definition versions of the movies:


I'm sure most of you have heard me blabbing off in the past few weeks but we've just finished the extended cut of the DVD. I finished the edit before I came over here -- these poor bastards at Weta have got another 350 effects shots to do! They're well on the way. Elijah's seen the extended cut. New Line have announced some box set that's supposed to be coming out which I didn't know anything about. When I've done "King Kong" I'd like to do a proper box set and we've got a whole bunch of material -- not of the movie but we've got a whole lot of bloopers out there! When "King Kong's" out of the way I'd like to do a really high definition version with the best possible picture quality.

If it's true, this is sweet! I might have go buy an HD set sooner than planned


  • Reply 1 of 14
    satchmosatchmo Posts: 2,699member
    As I suspected and griped...as soon as you've blown your money on DVD, there's HD-DVD.

    What's next, Infinite-DVD?

    I'm all for technology, but I can't help but see this as a big milk job by some consortium. It's all subjective, but I find DVD's pretty sharp and good sounding as it is.

    I mean, is there a really a need to see all the pores of someone's face?
  • Reply 2 of 14
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    Jackson & Co have also talked about doing a chronological edit of LOTR... the whole thing, from beginning to end, in the order in which events *happened*, not in the order they were *told*.

    So it'd start with Sauron losing the ring, then on to the ring getting lost, found by Gollum, etc, etc, etc, all the way to the end.

    He said he figured he could work in 'a couple more hours' worth of material that was cut, if he did that way.


    The man's an insane genius.
  • Reply 3 of 14
    zozo Posts: 3,117member
    so there isnt gonna be a Triple Trilogy Set for another 2-3 YEARS?????

    FVCK ME!!! I've been NOT buying any of the LoTR DVDs becasue I was SURE that as soon as the 3rd came out, we'd all be suckered into buying a "new and 'special' Trilogy DVD set"

    Hollywood =! logic

    Like the Aliens Quadrilogy... why on earth did they come out with it if the Directors cut of Episode 1 is about to hit the cinemas???? To then make another, imporoved, Quandrilogy? Quadrilogy and a half???
  • Reply 4 of 14
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member

    Originally posted by ZO

    so there isnt gonna be a Triple Trilogy Set for another 2-3 YEARS?????

    FVCK ME!!! I've been NOT buying any of the LoTR DVDs becasue I was SURE that as soon as the 3rd came out, we'd all be suckered into buying a "new and 'special' Trilogy DVD set"

    What *are* you smoking? The Extended versions are out now. Jackson has stated that those are his definitive versions of the telling as Tolkien roughly laid it out. An HD version would be, one would presume, a simple re-mastering of those edits. What's this Triple Trilogy Set you're quacking about?

    The chrono edit he's talking about is purely pie-in-the-sky "Wouldn't it be cool if some day we could go back and..." him being an edit geek. He wants to play with it. (I say let 'im, but that's just me.)


    Hollywood =! logic

    Like the Aliens Quadrilogy... why on earth did they come out with it if the Directors cut of Episode 1 is about to hit the cinemas???? To then make another, imporoved, Quandrilogy? Quadrilogy and a half???

    Er... the Director's cut that hit the cinemas is on Disc 1. I think you're confused.
  • Reply 5 of 14
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member

    Originally posted by satchmo

    As I suspected and griped...as soon as you've blown your money on DVD, there's HD-DVD.

    What's next, Infinite-DVD?

    I'm all for technology, but I can't help but see this as a big milk job by some consortium. It's all subjective, but I find DVD's pretty sharp and good sounding as it is.

    I mean, is there a really a need to see all the pores of someone's face?

    DVDs are sharp and good sounding but when you toss the picture up on a 8ft or larger screen it softens. HD-DVD will initially appeal to the large screen aficianado first but will eventually trickle down to everyone. It's not just the clarity that's amazing with HiDef it's the eye popping colors. Watch a well recorded HiDef sports event with crip unis and plan 2 b amazed. I can't wait for LotR HD.


    FVCK ME!!! I've been NOT buying any of the LoTR DVDs becasue I was SURE that as soon as the 3rd came out, we'd all be suckered into buying a "new and 'special' Trilogy DVD set"

    Actually I read at www.thedigitalbits.com that New Line "is" planning a Box Set so you're in luck.
  • Reply 6 of 14
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member

    Originally posted by hmurchison

    It's not just the clarity that's amazing with HiDef it's the eye popping colors.

    When you've been stuck with Never The Same Color, yeah, the difference is incredible.
  • Reply 7 of 14
    casecomcasecom Posts: 314member

    Originally posted by hmurchison

    Actually I read at www.thedigitalbits.com that New Line "is" planning a Box Set so you're in luck.

    Yes, I'm guessing that will be just a repackaging of the existing DVDs in a box set, since Jackson said he didn't know about it until New Line announced it.
  • Reply 8 of 14
    piwozniakpiwozniak Posts: 815member
    And one would need a different hd-dvd compatible dvd player to watch these right?
  • Reply 9 of 14
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    Which 'these' are you talking about?

    1) The boxed set of existing edits and masterings that Jackson said New Line *is* doing

    2) The HD remastering of the existing edits that Jackson said he'd *like* to put out

    3) The Chronological Edit that Jackson has as just a filmgeek gleam in his eye
  • Reply 10 of 14
    ganondorfganondorf Posts: 573member
    Kinda makes me mad for having bought the Extended DVDs for the first two movies. I think I will get the third just to complete the set, but it will be hard to resist the HD-DVDs.
  • Reply 11 of 14
    piwozniakpiwozniak Posts: 815member

    Originally posted by Kickaha

    Which 'these' are you talking about?

    1) The boxed set of existing edits and masterings that Jackson said New Line *is* doing

    2) The HD remastering of the existing edits that Jackson said he'd *like* to put out

    3) The Chronological Edit that Jackson has as just a filmgeek gleam in his eye

  • Reply 12 of 14
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member

    Originally posted by piwozniak


    Yes. HDTV and HD-DVD player would be needed.
  • Reply 13 of 14
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member

    Originally posted by hmurchison

    DVDs are sharp and good sounding but when you toss the picture up on a 8ft or larger screen it softens. HD-DVD will initially appeal to the large screen aficianado first but will eventually trickle down to everyone.

    Because so many of us have 8ft television screens.

    Seriously, I think even the 50+" HDTVs that are out there now make up a minority of HD set owners. I bet 40-something is where the majority of the people are. Four feet IOW. Regular DVD will be dandy for a few years yet, thank you. No need to change the standards just yet. DVD is just coming into its own. I myself intend to buy a set in the 36-48" range once the prices drop another $500 or so on the models that don't have the "plastic screen" syndrome.

    Anyway, good to hear Jackson has finished the editing of the Extended Edition, (I guess) all that's left now is the effects rendering and then the release this Fall. Sweeeeet!
  • Reply 14 of 14
    burningwheelburningwheel Posts: 1,827member
    i'll probably get the box set. the HD discs won't come out for a few years i suspect
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