Dual G4 Freezing

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
Every so often when I'm using my computer, it will just lock up out of no where. The mouse and keyboard do no work and the sound doesn't work but sometimes if I'm on a website at the time, the ad banners will still scroll.

I've tried using disk utility... nothing. I tried adding more RAM...nothing (except speed increase but it still freezes). I tried resetting the PRAM...nothing. I used the Hardware test cd and it came up as everything was fine. I updated everything I could, still, nothing.

It seems to happen more when I'm online (i use dial up). Any clue on what I could do or what the problem is?

By the way, my setup is:

Dual 1.25 G4


Panther 10.3.2


  • Reply 1 of 4
    jccbinjccbin Posts: 476member
    What browser?

    Have you tried rebuilding permissions?

    DiskWarrior 3.01?

    Cocktail (www.versiontracker.com; lookup cocktail)
  • Reply 2 of 4
    Safari 1.2

    Ok I used cocktail and it hasn't locked up yet so I hoped that did it. Thing is, I had used disk utility and said it didn't have anything to repair, but who knows.

  • Reply 3 of 4
    well, it did it again. This time the mouse locked but my iTunes music keep playing for about 30 sec. After that, it stopped too. could it be overheating? The only time I hear a lot of fan noise is at start up, then I never hear any large whirling again. Any suggestions?
  • Reply 4 of 4
    dmband0026dmband0026 Posts: 2,345member
    Try a ram test. Search Version Tracker for an app called Gauge pro. It's an OS 9 app so you'll need the ability to boot into 9 for it to work. Run the ram test and see if it's bad ram. If your fans aren't spinning up than it's probably not a heat issue.

    Try backing up and doing a clean install if your ram is good.
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