OS X Languages/Character Set Help!!!
I'm a Japanese foreign language student and by attempting to type homework in Japanese characaters, I've somehow managed to completely change my character settings (particularly in Internet Explorer) so that many weird characters now appear in place of others. I've tried going back into the menus and changing settings back to what I thought were the original, defaults. However, this hasn't worked.
Is there a way to completely restore my language/character set settings back to the original, defaults? Ie, a "reset" button?
Is there a way to completely restore my language/character set settings back to the original, defaults? Ie, a "reset" button?
I have never experienced the kind of problems you are experiencing so I don't know what to recommend. You can set which Languages are avaliable in the System Preferences or there is an application that makes it easy to remove unwanted languages. I can't remember the product name but I am sure that someone here would know. Best of luck.
Originally posted by laughablebutanebob
What is the default OS X IE character set?
Western (Latin 1)