Best DVD media for a movie project?
There were a few older threads, but they are already 4-5 months old.
I've finished a masterpiece of a DVD (of a friend's bachelor party) and have already burned it on some generic DVD-R (well, its Nashua actually) media. I've made 2 copies so far.
I have to make about 10 copies for all those that were at the bachelor party, will be making DVD covers, and probably printing disc covers (like print the surface of the DVD).
I want to make sure they last, and play well.
Past suggestions were "Verbatim all the way"
Is this still the case? Are the DVD-R media from Apple good too?
I've finished a masterpiece of a DVD (of a friend's bachelor party) and have already burned it on some generic DVD-R (well, its Nashua actually) media. I've made 2 copies so far.
I have to make about 10 copies for all those that were at the bachelor party, will be making DVD covers, and probably printing disc covers (like print the surface of the DVD).
I want to make sure they last, and play well.
Past suggestions were "Verbatim all the way"
Is this still the case? Are the DVD-R media from Apple good too?
for DVD burning i use Apple DVDs only
i tried others, they sucked at dvd...never had a single problem with apple dvds..they cost more, but they have come down in price some and are the only ones i trust my dvd projects to
Verbatim are being sold at 24,90euro for 5 (at, from 25euro, shipping is included... the bastards).
The Apple store is selling Apple DVD-R for 21 (shipping and taxes included). 33euro for 10 at Apple.
What do you guys think?
Originally posted by scavanger
For CD-R's Fuji seems to be one of the best. Anything that uses TY for their media is good on the CD-R side
what's TY?
Just wish they sold them locally as I usually end up buying whatever is the cheapest at Best Buy, etc. It is just so much simpler to pick up what they have there than to order through (no Apple Store or reseller around here.)
The times in the past when I have noticed the difference is when rolling white script credits over black at the end of a movie. With non-Apple (Memorex, Imation, Maxell, and TDK) DVDs the letters seem to have a little "wiggle" to them as the scroll up the screen. Apple's seem to have less "give" and appear more "stable".
Just my $0.02.
I tried putting the DVD project I made on the Nashua DVD-R and it playe din my Mac and a PC with a DVD drive. At home, on a Philips DVD player, there were occasional freezes for a half second, especially where I made audio modifications (higher, lower volume, etc).
Also, the main menu initially didnt work. I had to go to the DVD player and press play on the machine rather than the remote. When I pressed "Menu" on the remote, it went back and I could use the arrow keys.
I'll make a new post about importing my iMovie 3 project to iMovie 4 and it messing up my audio... crap.
Anyway... found a 25 DVD-R Verbatim spidle on for 63euro I'm happy
K-hypermedia DVD-Rs, the ultra low-end cheapies are awful for both data and video. Run from these things.
I use IMATION DVDs and CDs, and have been very satisfied. Seems iDVD and the Superdrive can get kinda cranky with low-end media?
Originally posted by Flick Justice
I recently topped out my HD space and need to back up stuff I bought some blank DVDs {imation} with about 12mins to go this warning comes up saying an illegal error occurred and the media isn't compatible. I'm wondering if this is the media or my drive. I had originally made the mistake of buying DVD+R and well that ended in tears. so I know that I bought DVD-R the second time. Will buying Apple DVDs help? or is there away I can check to see if my drive is buggered? it burns CDs fine
could be the brand. imation has never been good to me. try verbatim or memorex. i think fuji has decent discs too. if you wanna buy a lot of dvds, specifically printable ones, check out
Originally posted by ipodandimac
could be the brand. imation has never been good to me. try verbatim or memorex. i think fuji has decent discs too. if you wanna buy a lot of dvds, specifically printable ones, check out
Thanks I go buy five for now to see if they are in fact going to work...