New TiBook heatsink

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
Has anyone had a chance to see a new TiBook in person? They're at the Apple Store near me and I was intrigued to notice a new inset panel on the bottom. It's about 4 by 2.5 inches in size and seems almost flush with the base metal. It's the same color, too, but almost feels like a sticker placed on in that position. It's towards the back of the TiBook, in the corner opposite the battery. It was very warm. Could this be there for the new graphics card?

One interesting note: I was at the store Tuesday night and they had rearranged the "Pro" area so that a 22 inch Cinema Display was out on the "counter" with a TiBook. There was also a TiBook on the main Pro wall area, near a 15 inch display. Funny thing was, all the cables were sitting theer loose. It seems like they had not received the adaptors yet to connect the TiBook with the flat panels.


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