Latest UN outrage

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Maybe not the latest. Latest information though. We all know that "oil for food" in Iraq was corrupt. Now we're find out how far down the rabbit hole the UN went. So far Kofi has refused to investigate. We need to find out what he's hiding.

Considering the horrible job the UN did managing the crisis in Iraq I don't think we can trust them with the important stuff any more.

The Oil-for-Food Scandal

The program was corrupt. The U.N. owes the Iraqis--and Congress--an explanation.


Thursday, March 11, 2004 12:01 a.m. EST

"If there is evidence, we would investigate it very seriously," Kofi Annan insisted last month when presented with allegations that U.N. officials knew about and may have benefited from Saddam Hussein's corruption of the U.N.'s Oil-for-Food Program. Fortunately, Saddam appears to have been a stickler for record-keeping.

A letter has come to The Wall Street Journal supporting allegations that among those favored by Saddam with gifts of oil was Benon Sevan, director of the U.N.'s Oil-for-Food Program. As detailed on this page on Feb. 9, Mr. Sevan's name appears on a list of individuals, companies and organizations that allegedly received oil allocations or vouchers from Saddam that could then be sold via middlemen for a significant markup. The list, compiled in Arabic from documents uncovered in Iraq's oil ministry, included many of Saddam's nearest and dearest from some 50 countries, including the PLO, pro-Saddam British MP George Galloway, and French politician Charles Pasqua. (Messrs. Galloway and Pasqua have denied receiving anything from Saddam.) According to the list, first published by the Iraqi daily Al Mada in January, Mr. Sevan was another beneficiary, via a company in Panama known as Africa Middle East Petroleum, Co. Ltd. (AMEP), about which we have learned quite a bit.


link to rest

You have to read the whole thing to find out how twisted the relationships were.


  • Reply 1 of 1
    talksense101talksense101 Posts: 1,738member
    Corruption is a pain, but that isn't the biggest issue facing Iraq or the world at this point. Besides, the US and the UK were doing their best to trump up support before launching the gulf war, I would be surprised if they couldn't dig up this dirt during that effort.
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