The US media

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Im sick of reading about our "liberal media" from those legions of hardline rightwing radio and tv pundits that infest the airwaves. Liberal media barely exists in the United States, apart from a few boutique publications like Mother Jones or The Nation. The vast bulk of what the population reads, sees and listens to is controlled and edited with the aims of big business in mind....namely the companies that pay for advertising space, by the management of the big businesses that own the media. I am not saying that there is anything intrinsically wrong with this scenario....a jungle law style market will result in this situation by default. However,

does this allow for a free, democratic and fair media in which a full spectrum of opinions, viewpoints, philosophies and ideologies share broadcasting space, as one would hope for in a nation that prides itself on having the most freedoms and liberties anywhere on the planet, as intended in our constitution? The answer is an emphatic NO on every count.

This study by the University of Maryland's Center for International and Security Studies finds that our media toes the government line, and the Iraq war was a flagrant example of this. A recent study doen by the BBC's ex director Greg Dyke came to a similar excoriating conclusion.

Is this kind of situation acceptable in the world's supposedly most free nation? Or is this kind of thing more what one would expect in countries like the old USSR, communist China, or Saddam Hussein's Iraq? If this isnt acceptable...what can we do to rectify this? The airwaves belong to we the the people, but they have been stolen from us, and sold on the cheap to big broadcast media.



  • Reply 1 of 8
    kraig911kraig911 Posts: 912member
    liberal is such a lose term and can have different degrees of extremity. Blame it on this nation I suppose, there are just more republican minded people who watch broadcast news who simply don't hear all they'd like too, or how they want too. Personally I blame it on the 16-32 demo with its extreme uninterest in public service (by degree of margin I know generalization perhaps but you get what i mean) I included being 24, think myself and the people around me on a whole just don't care about the political situation escalating. I consider myself on the fence on a lot of issues but probably mainly conservative, however I have a lot of friends who just don't care. But it could also be there are more people 40+ in the job holding, tv public than there are 16-32 year olds. once they all retire and die this country will turn a lot into like europe or japan, where there are more retired people than young. The following generation is whats going to be interesting.
  • Reply 2 of 8
    It used to be the liberal media, but now the conservatives dominate, and the nature of the media hasn't changed any. They're still full of shit.
  • Reply 3 of 8
    crusadercrusader Posts: 1,129member
    I just watch the asian news channel I get on DirectTv, it may be biased in some way, but I enjoy the accents...
  • Reply 4 of 8
    kraig911kraig911 Posts: 912member
    oh and sammi also blame it on the FCC more than the media, I personally think being in advertising that yes the media is ruled by its advertisers. I personally think (conspiracy engine starting up) that political groups out there start debunk public non-profit stuff the tv stations would rather support for their required public broadcast time, instead of political issues. That and they are incredibly hesitant to broadcast arbitrary news that may counter another anchors opinion or what the public thinks. If you recall on the war, at the support for it they tried to show the nation was pretty much 50/50 but as I recall (too lazy to pull it up) it was polled in like friggen san francisco, and new york, new jersey. And from what I hear through word of mouth on political polls is that they are more so paid for by the democratic party than the republicans. When the republicans take polls they call businesses and crap usually too supposedly. I've only had to get qualitative for political stuff once, and it was really just about if people thought they get a fair say in gov'ment affairs as a whole. Hrmm maybe I'm not making any sense.

    Speaking of wierd I am probably going to have to make an ad for a judge here soon, so I'm sure I'm going to be researching this stuff even more. incidentally he's a republican, though he says mostly bi-partisan.
  • Reply 5 of 8
    An 'Old' Labour politician in the UK, Tony Benn, pointed something out in a TV interview just last week. It bothered me that I hadn't thought of it - how well the conditioning had worked that I never questioned this aspect of the news.

    We have hourly updates on the TV telling us how the Dow Jones/FTSE is doing, what the exchange rates are etc. Whole programmes are dedicated to giving investment advice/company news and enire channels dedicated to more of the same.

    Yet how many of us are actually active and involved in those activities?

    In contrast there is hardly ever any mention about employee/employer relations, organised representation of workers, workers rights, working conditions and benefits.

    More people are directly affected by those subjects but they are hardly ever mentioned.

    Once he raised the topic I remembered that when I was growing up I knew who the leaders of the Unions were. I was aware of the disputes/ negotiations/issues taking place in industry. I could only have got that information from the media and today its just not there.
  • Reply 6 of 8
    splinemodelsplinemodel Posts: 7,311member
    Why did we verify the existence of this thread with replies?

    Two words: Deja Vu.
  • Reply 7 of 8
    msanttimsantti Posts: 1,377member

    Blame it on this nation I suppose, there are just more republican minded people who watch broadcast news who simply don't hear all they'd like too, or how they want too.

  • Reply 8 of 8
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,020member
    Here we go again.
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