
in Genius Bar edited January 2014
If you have Roadrunner service set up, and you plug your router in, will it start broadcasting the signal immediately? I was to set up internet in a friends house, but the cable jack is on the opposite side of the room, and the comp CAN'T go there. Would this work? (Linksys router)


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    faust9faust9 Posts: 1,335member
    Depends, some RR services rely on NIC authentication while others don't. If your RR service uses NIC authentication, you'll probably have to spoof you NIC MAC address which can be done in the router's software. In any event, as soon as your router (your talking about wireless here aren't you?) is powered up, you should be able to connect to the router itself. Whether or not you hook right up to the net is simple a matter of configuring the router. Also, many wireless routers ship with wap enabled as a default, so a password will be needed to connect to the router.
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