U.S.'s responsibility as world's "super" nuclear power...

in General Discussion edited January 2014
I'm inspired by dmz's post. First of all, I'd like you all to visit this site: http://costofwar.com/

We could have used much of this money to prop up Russia's dangerously erroding nuclear securities services. As well as paying them for the destruction of weapons and facilities.

We brought the Soviet Union down by bankrupting them. Their "Vietnam" arguably being the invasion of Afghanistan and starting the dominos falling. Although they were doing a pretty good job on their own, we came in under the table in Afghanistan and started helping out the Mujahideen with money and weapons, particularly ground to air missiles... After the Soviets were thrown out we should have stayed in Afghanistan and helped in the rebuilding. We could have nipped the Taliban and therefor Al Queada in the bud. Because our "leaders" are so historically short sighted we walked out. The rest is well known so I won't go into it here.

That was the beginning of the end for the Soviet Union. It was then our responsibility as the "victors" to make sure their stockpiles were accounted for. As usual, we didn't. If AQ indeed could get their hands on a couple of bombs, these will probably be Soviet weapons. It's always possible North Korea could be the maker. I just don't think so. I believe the Soviets lost track of some "portable" nuclear devices. Scary.

So as it stands, we (the US government...) want the rest of the world to denuclearize. However, "we" are gonna go ahead and spend at the very least $6,000,000,000.00 on reasearch and upgrades to our nuclear arsenal. Well aren't we just the world's guiding light...

If the US were a person, this person would be the world's biggest hypocrite.

End of rant. For now...


  • Reply 1 of 1
    stoostoo Posts: 1,490member

    After the Soviets were thrown out we should have stayed in Afghanistan and helped in the rebuilding.

    This situation would be unacceptable to the USSR (and I'd expect quite a large proportion of Afghanistan wouldn't be happy with occupation).
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