The Official Name that PPC Game.

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
The recent iBook intro has left some doubt for me as to whether we're dealing with a 750fx or a fiddled 750cxe. hmmm... The cache and performance increase numbers suggest fx, but the battery life suggests cxe. ???

Also we don't know exactly what's in the other Apple models on sale at the moment.

PowerMac DP 1Ghz, 933

PowerMac 800

iMac (LCD) 700 and 800


PowerBook 800, and 667.

Which PPC's are in each of these? Is there any site on the internet with accurate information (Apple's site doesn't seem to have all of them listed.)

Anyone with any of these models care to open 'em up and have a look?

Seems to me that untill now lots of people have been guessing what's where by matching up specs (speeds, bus, and cache) from Apple's spec pages with those on Mot's PPC page, but there appear to be a few grey areas.

Let's find out what's being used and where (if only to get a better picture of what may or may not be coming down the pipe.)


  • Reply 1 of 2
    cdhostagecdhostage Posts: 1,038member
    I complained about this in my "NEW IBOOKS STINK" thread.

    If Apple incorfporated the IBM Sahara into the Ibook, the n they would have said so.

    I dunno the model number, but it must be mototrola.
  • Reply 2 of 2
    If you read the IBM specs for the 750FX, you would see that the new iBook's processor is most likely the 750FX. There isn't a G3 made with an on-chip level 2 cache of 512KB. The 750FX has a 20 - 30% performance gain over the 750Cxe at the same power requirement. If increased performance is not an issue, then it can use 2X less power at the same performance as the 750Cxe. Apple seems to think that "6 hour" battery time is enough, and (rightly, IMHO) concludes that consumers want more performance at current power requirements.
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