derogatory comment thread was locked (wisely)...but....

in General Discussion edited January 2014

Originally posted by Fellowship

Let it be known that in future if condescending and derogatory generalizations are made about Texas, Truck driving Texans, French, or any nationality or state...

What Fellowship said. Defy him or the other moderators and I will personally ban you first for three days, then a week, then permanently. No questions asked. No bargains or compromises. Period. The moderators here have earned the respect and trust of myself and the other leaders here. You should treat them and all forum participants with the utmost respect an courtesy.

Consider this a final warning to all participants here.

If you can't control yourself, I will be more than happy to show you the door.

- Brad

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ok, only one a new mexico resident i have a god given right to make derogatory generalizations about texas and comes with sharing a long freakin border with those damn texans...other than that, i have no problem with the above...

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