APPLE MOUSE + Apple Australia Website

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
Just saw something really interesting its most likely a goof on Apple Australia part but it makes you think...

The following link is from Apple Australia site. It links to an article in the "Australian" newspaper ( a major daily news publication here) about the OSX's upcoming spoken word features... What the article continued on was the rumour posted by french macplus about a new mac mouse...

Why would apple PR link to an article which had a high degree of rumours attached to it?

see the link you can talk to your mac.,00.html

Goof? You decide.


  • Reply 1 of 5
    I can't really see much to this at all...
  • Reply 2 of 5
    You might want to check that link dude... Its totally messed up...
  • Reply 3 of 5
    johnqjohnq Posts: 2,763member

    Originally posted by Celco

    Why would apple PR link to an article which had a high degree of rumours attached to it?

    Because Apple's patent for the optical scrolling feature is online and not secret (although implementation details are). Plus that isn't the primary article Apple linked to, they merely were linking to the voice input article. That the article veers off into speculation land is irrelevant. The bolded "RUMOR has it" part separates the rumor from the factual voice article enough for Apple's liking, I guess.
  • Reply 4 of 5
    macgregormacgregor Posts: 1,434member
    Of more use might be this latest article by The Register...

    Application No.20040046741 is for a mouse with an optical scroll area rather than a scroll wheel. Another, No. 20040021694 describes how an on-screen 'blob' can help with mouse navigation. The blob allows users to switch between scrolling and cursor modes, or as the application describes it, is "an improved scrolling technique that is ergonomic (e.g., allows the mouse to scroll through a window without holding down a button), that is available to all users regardless of the input device (e.g., does not need a dedicated button) and/or that provides visual stimulus indicating that scrolling is initiated is desired." Jaguar beta testers will remember a user interface element in the shape of a blue disc that - if we remember correctly - hid open windows, but this is quite different, and obviously much more sophisticated. "One advantage of the invention is that mode switching may be implemented using any mouse including a single button mouse. That is, the invention eliminates the need for a dedicated scroll button," concludes the second patent.

    We have long talked of a mouse with a trackpad instead of a scrollwheel and this might be the beginning of something. I'm not a Photoshop junkie so maybe I don't know much, but I have liked the way the one-button mouse has kept 98% of the functionality of contextual menues within elegant parameters.
  • Reply 5 of 5
    celcocelco Posts: 211member
    We have long talked of a mouse with a trackpad instead of a scrollwheel and this might be the beginning of something. I'm not a Photoshop junkie so maybe I don't know much, but I have liked the way the one-button mouse has kept 98% of the functionality of contextual menues within elegant parameters. [/B][/QUOTE]

    Funny thing when i got my G5 a fortnight ago it was the first time I had used a one button mouse since my the very first mac I purchased a 6100/66 Its totally weird.. well at least for me I swap between wintels and macs all day - Web tesing and video work so I have gotten so used to a 2button + scroll going back seems weird. So much of Adobe's suite of apps focus on right clicking to get a job done faster... if unelegantly. The fact is the other 3/4 ie the wintel world are building more apps that will use this.

    Whats really strange is that I have just purchased a mouse with a uniscroll ... ie sideways scroll which effectively is getting close to an old school trackball or thumb joystick maybe apple plans some sort of virtual joystick. I think this will come a decade down the track though with a 3D OS. think late 1980's nintendo powerglove except virtual.
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