Not A Good Week For Bovines. Longhorn Delayed Again

in General Discussion edited January 2014
M$ announces another delay. How many does this make it?


Longhorn beta delayed to 2005

By Daniel Thomas [02-04-2004]

Microsoft postpones trials of new OS to focus on improving XP security

Microsoft is delaying the rollout of the beta of its Longhorn operating system until early next year in order to focus on improving security in its Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2).

The beta of Longhorn - the successor to Windows XP - was supposed to be distributed before the end of this year, but has now been moved back because its developers have been shifted onto the SP2 project.

The move is likely to delay the commercial rollout of Longhorn, which Microsoft said would only be released once beta trial customer feedback had been incorporated into the product.

"Windows XP Service Pack 2, due later this year, is a key component of Microsoft's commitment to helping improve security for our customers," said a company spokeswoman.

"To ensure SP2 delivers on customers' needs, Microsoft dedicated extensive resources to its development, and some of those resources were reallocated from Longhorn to SP2."

Microsoft plans major security enhancements to its Windows XP SP2 release, due later this year.

The product will include firewall enhancements and more secure email and instant messaging. A new Windows Security Centre feature will allow users to monitor information on firewalls, automatic updates and third-party antivirus software.

In 2001, Microsoft spoke about releasing Longhorn in late 2004, but then said it was likely to delay the release until the second half of 2005.

At Microsoft's developer conference in October 2003, the implication was that Longhorn would be more likely to ship in 2006, again hinted at by Bill Gates this week at a conference held by analyst Gartner.

Yet Gartner predicts that the delay could be even longer, with the new operating system not shipping until 2007.

"Longhorn will ultimately be delivered when we've incorporated customer and partner feedback from the beta process and the code meets the quality standards our customers require," said the Microsoft spokeswoman.


  • Reply 1 of 12
    dmband0026dmband0026 Posts: 2,345member
    So they are taking resources off the development of longhorn to enhance XP? I know it's not the same, but that would have been like Apple going back to developing OS 9 after OS X was out. Why would they do that? Oh yeah, it's cause nothing that MS does ever makes sense.

    And why are they trying to patch the security holes in XP, that OS is one big security hole. If they keep taking resources off of longhorn to improve XP we won't see longhorn till 2020.

    XP is getting old as is, they NEED something new. I know quite a few Windows users who won't be too happy when 2008 rolls around and they are still using XP. What a joke.

    There are already close to 100,000 viruses/spyware/worms for XP alone, in another 4 years that number will have at least doubled. People are getting really fed up, and no "MS service pack" is going to fix that.

    XP is a joke, and MS is a joke.
  • Reply 2 of 12
    messiahtoshmessiahtosh Posts: 1,754member
    Microsoft blows goats.
  • Reply 3 of 12
    wrong robotwrong robot Posts: 3,907member
    I will laugh at you guys if Microsoft actually pulls off something worthwhile, I have a hard time buying that the delays are caused by the fact they were too busy blowing goats.
  • Reply 4 of 12
    dmband0026dmband0026 Posts: 2,345member

    Originally posted by Messiahtosh

    Microsoft blows goats.

    That's quite the well thought out response.

    Good to see in all your 18 years on earth you haven't figured out a more intelligent way to insult things/people.

    But for the record, it made me laugh, really hard.
  • Reply 5 of 12
    Ahh... this is one of the reasons I only use Linux on my x86 box. I will try out longhorn when it comes out... maybe it will be my next primary OS, but that's only if a have a computer that can handel it because by the time it comes out my comp might be too out of date.
  • Reply 6 of 12
    jubelumjubelum Posts: 4,490member

    Originally posted by Messiahtosh

    Microsoft blows goats.

    ... and the best part is, that when it finally DOES arrive, it will probably be either way way behind in technology and/or suck just as much as XP.

    "Microsoft: Working Daily To Make Products That Suck Less"

  • Reply 7 of 12
    jubelumjubelum Posts: 4,490member

    Originally posted by DMBand0026

    That's quite the well thought out response.

    Good to see in all your 18 years on earth you haven't figured out a more intelligent way to insult things/people.

    But for the record, it made me laugh, really hard.

    To set the record straight... after extensive undercover investigation, I have discovered that MSFT actually blows llamas, not goats. And It's a GREAT time to be a llama.
  • Reply 8 of 12
    dmband0026dmband0026 Posts: 2,345member

    Originally posted by Jubelum

    To set the record straight... after extensive undercover investigation, I have discovered that MSFT actually blows llamas, not goats. And It's a GREAT time to be a llama.

    You know, I hear that after a couple has been together for a long time they start to look like each other. What do you guys think?

  • Reply 9 of 12
    algolalgol Posts: 833member
    You know Microsoft is more than a joke... it's a bad joke... and it's not funny at all. It is funny how freeBSD is 100 times better than what a multibillion dollar company manages to put together. XP is a joke compared to BSD and or course the Mac OS as the kernal is based on BSD. OMG I am not even going to start tonight... aaarrrgggg
  • Reply 10 of 12
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member
    I have used the windows platfotm for years and this is the crap that makes me want to change to mac...what if IBM, back in the '60s decided to stop focusing on "those big slow clunky computers" and shifted thir engeniers to perfecting the typewriter, well, they would be out of business, what if Henry Ford had sayd "this motor car thing is too futuristic, lets focus on making waggons and buggie whips(one of which ironicly would help windows a great deal)" they would be gone and if M$ fails to move forward before 2008, they will be left behind by linux, unix, mac and maybe something unforeseeable, like a sun java os for the consumer desktop
  • Reply 11 of 12
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member

    Originally posted by Wrong Robot

    I will laugh at you guys if Microsoft actually pulls off something worthwhile, I have a hard time buying that the delays are caused by the fact they were too busy blowing goats.

    Reportedly, Microsoft prepares major security enhancements in XP:


    Posted by Barto:

    I'm running SP2 beta at the moment. It's all about security, security, security. It's a huge step forward in that area with a new firewall, security center, and most post-XP1 hotfixes.

  • Reply 12 of 12
    xmogerxmoger Posts: 242member

    Originally posted by DMBand0026

    So they are taking resources off the development of longhorn to enhance XP? I know it's not the same, but that would have been like Apple going back to developing OS 9 after OS X was out. Why would they do that? Oh yeah, it's cause nothing that MS does ever makes sense.

    A lot of people(ie businesses) like to have support for their stuff for a few years. Look how many people still run win98. XP is only 3 years old, dropping support now would piss off a lot of people. State Farm Insurance just upgraded all their agent offices from NT4 to XP. If microsoft followed your advice, SF would have >100,000 workstations without support for most of their lifecycle.

    Apple SHOULD have provided support for OS9 much longer than they did - 6 months. Even though they cut OS9, OSX adoption was slow. So, they left the bulk of their customers flapping in the wind. Even after OSX, they've tried to force people to upgrade point releases to get patches.
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