New 12" Powerbook or Refurbished 17"?

in General Discussion edited January 2014
I recently purchased a 12" Powerbook new. After adding 1GB of RAM and an Airport Extreme card I'm at close to $2000 total in the system. I've determined that I really want to get the Superdrive and need a larger hard drive so I was thinking about returning my system and getting the upgraded 12" model. If I do that though I'll be at $2400 or so after adding the memory.

Apple has refurbished 17" models with the same options that I want (minus the 1.25GB of RAM) for $2499. The 17" comes with 512MB of RAM so I could probably get by with that and just add more later if I need it (I'd have to add memory from the get go if I got the 12" since it only comes with 256 standard).

So it comes down to this:

NEW 12" PowerBook G4 1.00 GHz/1.25GB RAM/80GB HDD/Airport Extreme/SuperDrive



REFURBISHED 17" PowerBook G4 1.33 GHz/512MB RAM/80GB HDD/Airport Extreme/SuperDrive


Thoughts? Suggestions?


  • Reply 1 of 2
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    If I were in your exact situation, I'd...well...I'd...hmm...

    I'd flip a coin.

    Seriously, that's a tough one. Comes down to screen size/resolution, 300MHz and 32MB nVidia vs. 64MB ATi. I'm guessing the screen size/resolution thing would be the biggest kicker. The clockspeed and graphics cards don't factor in too much in this scenario, at least for me.

    12" @ 1024x768...or 17" @ 1440x900...

    Depends on what you do and how you'll spend your days and nights using it, I guess? Anything particularly pallette-heavy?

    I could list a gazillion pros and cons for each model, but I know that doesn't help you.

    I'd probably just get the 12" and dig its "cute factor" and ultra portability. Something cool about having that much power and features (Bluetooth, AirPort Extreme, SuperDrive, etc.) in something so small. Kinda a "wolf in sheep's clothing" thing, which I dig.

    I"d probably get the 12". 92.571% sure.
  • Reply 2 of 2
    Oooh, the 15" is the sweet spot IMO, but given your particular choice I would definitely choose the 17".

    1024*768 is barely enough room for me to get any work done in Mac OS X. I have to use a CRT iMac at work at 1024*768 and it's hell, I tell you. I will never buy a 12" PowerBook (or iBook for that matter) if it still has that low resolution.

    You already have been using the 12" for a while, though, and guess you could decide if it's enough room for you. Screen resolution not being a factor, the 12" is a really nice machine.
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