Apple's Downfall?

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Apple is amazing, all around. They have amazing design, style, features, and all that good stuff that makes us customers happy. But... what about people like myself who are going to college, planning on buying a laptop within the next month or two, and want to plan out a purchase you never regret. Apple tends to make that incredibly difficult with their "keep them in the dark" scheme. They don't ever make announcements on their website, let alone inform their stores. It makes purchases very confusing and honestly, nerve-racking, since I'm afraid in 90 days following my purchase, a G5 powerbook will be released, since IBM is 10 Motorolas. I think Apple should start giving updates on their product development. It's only fair.


  • Reply 1 of 14
    xmogerxmoger Posts: 242member
    You can't get on stage and hype your new products if everybody knows what your going to show them.

    After all, isn't keynote hoopla more important than letting customers make good purchases?
  • Reply 2 of 14
    ipeonipeon Posts: 1,122member
    That's Apple's downfall?

    Ok, you must be blowing off steam. Feel better now?
  • Reply 3 of 14
    mordakmordak Posts: 168member
    OK downfall wasn't the right word. More like one of their only faults, or mistakes so far.

    And the other thing, they need to let students know about their discounts. I didn't even know about them until my friend bought a a PB and got a discount. I was shocked, and excited!
  • Reply 4 of 14
    ipodandimacipodandimac Posts: 3,273member

    Originally posted by Mordak

    OK downfall wasn't the right word. More like one of their only faults, or mistakes so far.

    And the other thing, they need to let students know about their discounts. I didn't even know about them until my friend bought a a PB and got a discount. I was shocked, and excited!

    the "education" link on the store page made it pretty obvious for me.
  • Reply 5 of 14
    dmband0026dmband0026 Posts: 2,345member

    Originally posted by ipodandimac

    the "education" link on the store page made it pretty obvious for me.

    Yeah, they figure, "These people are HS graduates, or even current college students, if they are too stupid to figure out that the discounts are there than they don't deserve them."

    We know what is coming out...PB G5s, 3.0ghz G5 PMs, new iMacs (G5?), new iBooks, new iPods...but when is the question. And it's even harder for Apple to tell us if they don't know themselves. We'll know as soon as Apple does. Believe me, they are rushing to get this stuff out, but we all know Apple doesn't release anything that is less than perfect.
  • Reply 6 of 14
    nebagakidnebagakid Posts: 2,692member
    man, I am graduating in June, and I am going to wait as long as I can before I get my graduation present of a PowerBook... if it comes to me getting a G4, yeah I will be disappointed, but it is still a nice machine. It may bite me later that there is this great machine, with a G5!!!!, out there but I will live....

    but, if I had my choice, I would just like the slightest bit of confirmation to make me sleep easier at night, in addition to the nails in my mattress.
  • Reply 7 of 14
    gargoylegargoyle Posts: 660member
    That's just the way this industry is. Apple don't give away anymore secrets/information than the likes of nVidia / ATI do about their next major product.
  • Reply 8 of 14
    splinemodelsplinemodel Posts: 7,311member
    Or you could just wait until the PBG5 comes out. I used old equipment for most of freshman year waiting for the G4.
  • Reply 9 of 14
    jwri004jwri004 Posts: 626member
    Imagine this scenario:

    Apple announces new G5 model PB to be shipped in a few weeks.

    Now what do you think this will do to the sales of the G4 models. Sales will become non-existant, nada, zip, zero.

    And if they did that, then we all couldn't go to web sites and bitch and moan, and make predictions now could we!
  • Reply 10 of 14
    toddwtoddw Posts: 4member
    Well I just ordered a refurb powerbook Saturday and I think I will be happy with it. When the G5 PBs come out I will update my PB when they are on rev B.
  • Reply 11 of 14
    mordakmordak Posts: 168member
    Yeah, there's no sense in waiting for new product releases, otherwise we'd never buy anything. There's always new stuff comin' out. So I guess now I'm wondering--does Apple offer any trade-in type deals? Or after a certain amount of time?
  • Reply 12 of 14
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    I'm telling you, you're NOT going to see a PowerBook G5 ONE WEEK OR 90 DAYS after a revised/bumped PowerBook G4.

    Just isn't going to happen.

    So either a) buy a nicely discounted current-model PowerBook G4, or b) wait another month or so and get the revised one. Or c) wait until winter/MWSF and get a PowerBook G5 (even though they probably won't ship in any sort of real, useful quantity until April 2005, if history is any indication...).


    And they'll probably have white spots and goofy latches anyway...

  • Reply 13 of 14
    crusadercrusader Posts: 1,129member
    Apple's Downfall? That happened 10 years ago. If they "fell" now it would be "Apple's soft splat" cuz there ain't much space for Apple to fall...
  • Reply 14 of 14
    concordconcord Posts: 312member
    I too personally abhor Apple's secrecy. I can understand it if they are trying to keep under wraps an entirely new product or form factor, but *not* for general updates and product refreshes. Are they going to refresh their PM line in 6 months... 9 months... 12 months... stupid.


    Originally posted by Crusader:

    Apple's Downfall? That happened 10 years ago. If they "fell" now it would be "Apple's soft splat" cuz there ain't much space for Apple to fall...

    Correction: Apple *peaked* ten years ago... okay, they're falling now but you never know if they've got a lil' rocket pack stowed away in there somewhere...


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