Safari + Sherlock?

in Mac Software edited January 2014
In all the months I've had Panther, I never bothered to open Sherlock. I just did today, and I *LOVE* it.

My first thought was - why isn't this integrated into the Safari App?

It could be Safari's answer to the side-tabs of mozilla/IE/etc.



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    kim kap solkim kap sol Posts: 2,987member

    Originally posted by alexius

    In all the months I've had Panther, I never bothered to open Sherlock. I just did today, and I *LOVE* it.

    My first thought was - why isn't this integrated into the Safari App?

    It could be Safari's answer to the side-tabs of mozilla/IE/etc.


    Well...if you prefer the bloated software that mozilla and IE are, then YEAH!!! If not then, let's keep 'em seperate...k thx bye.
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