Rendezvous not working
I have a small network at home, an emac and an ibook. They are both hooked up to an 8 port switch, which also has an adsl modem attached. My adsl provider is verizon, and they quite happily allocate an ip to each of my machines. Both machines can access the 'real' world perfectly well.
I thought I would be able to use rendezvous functions between my two macs, but nothing works. Both machines have the OS X firewall enabled ( one is panther, one is jaguar ). Do I need to open some ports in the firewall to let rendezvous through?
I did try to setup a 'local' net, by adding a new network device to each machine and using 192.168 addresses. But Im not sure how to get rendezvous to use that address preferentially.
Im guessing it is something to do with routing, as when I access my website ( hosted one of the machines ) to transfer file, the transfer has to go out the modem. However, Im not sure how to go about setting up routing for this network, where both machines have dynamic ip's.
I guess my adsl modem is a router, but Ive never seen anything to confirm that suspicion.
I thought I would be able to use rendezvous functions between my two macs, but nothing works. Both machines have the OS X firewall enabled ( one is panther, one is jaguar ). Do I need to open some ports in the firewall to let rendezvous through?
I did try to setup a 'local' net, by adding a new network device to each machine and using 192.168 addresses. But Im not sure how to get rendezvous to use that address preferentially.
Im guessing it is something to do with routing, as when I access my website ( hosted one of the machines ) to transfer file, the transfer has to go out the modem. However, Im not sure how to go about setting up routing for this network, where both machines have dynamic ip's.
I guess my adsl modem is a router, but Ive never seen anything to confirm that suspicion.
I think your problem is that rendezvous needs a LAN to work and your ISP is preventing networks like that on their network. I suggest buying a router and sticking it in between your switch and modem. Verizon will just see one device but all your computers and rendezvous will work on the LAN it creates.
I think the modem is a router ( Ive certainly seen other modems that are routers ) because it quite happily supports multiple machines running through it.
I'm guessing this is kinda like your setup. (I know there is a switch between your computers and the modem but your network doesn't really see it)
..Verizon.. [modem]----ISP servers
I think the thing that is happening is your computers are all talking directly to the ISP servers and those servers are blocking your Rendezvous network.
What you need:
...LAN ... [router]----[modem]----ISP servers
This setup will splice the network into two pieces, a home LAN and Verizon's internet. Instead of talking to the ISP servers, your computers talk to the router on your new LAN which allows Rendezvous. The router will still allow you to access the internet but will also block hackers and mask your network from the internet. (safer than just a firewall)Verizon
emac -----
Nothing connects directly to the modem except the switch. My understanding of rendezvous is that it uses broadcast packets[?], so everything attached to the switch should receive the broadcast.
How does OSX handel DSL?
Does it setup a PPPoE interface?
On my Linux box, I connect to the internet via DSL modem. The modem is connected by ethernet to my switch, to which all other capable computers in the house are then connected. On my box I see two(three) interfaces, ppp0 and eth0 (and lo) so one interface is used to connect to my ISP (ppp0) and the other (eth0) is up for my local network.
Does OSX work the same way? Is this kinda thing locked under-the-hood? How much control do you have over rendezvous?
I would be a little bothered if a program just did everything for me without any input from me, it would make me feel a bit open, if you know what I mean.
However, many routers targeted at dsl users can handle the pppoe connection for you.
Ive had two dsl accounts, and one cable:
the cable network just looked like ethernet, I think the modem is really a bridge between two physical mediums running the same protocol [?].
dsl one had pppoe implemented on the modem. You have to browse to the modem and setup the pppoe username and password etc.
dsl two just works, no setup. It might be preprogrammed, but since verizon has no bandwidth limit they might just not care.
My current dsl modem has a usb port as well as ethernet, Im not sure what you see when you use the usb, since there doenst seem to be os x drivers for it. Some modems have a usb -> ethernet adapter built into them, others establish pppoe.
Anyhow, if your Mac sets up a PPPoE connection, then you should be able to setup the LAN part via the term. I am not sure what program OSX uses for this (because I am OSX deprived) but on my linux box the command is "ifconfig" and I can do almost anything I need via that commmand. For example to give my computer an IP, I just type this (as root), "ifconfig eth0 up". I could go more into detail (like give it a defult gateway... etc) but the defults are applied when not given by a user.
Is this the same under OSX?
Let me guess, there is some nifty app that will do this for you...
You can duplicate your port ( easily ) and specify that the duplicate is some other protocol ( eg: a local network ).
Because my modem gives me a verizon ip, I have another network interface setup to handle the local network, which stuff seems to work over pretty easily.
My only problem is that my shared printer is binding to the verizon port, and not the local port, so even rendezvous cant see it. Im not sure how to fix that, guess Ill have to learn all about cups.