Printer Sharing

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in Genius Bar edited January 2014
My networks problems continue...

I have an emac and an ibook, they both receive ip addresses from verizon over dsl, thats all cool.

They both have secondary ip addresses defining a local network, 192.168.1.*, over which rendezvous services work, and both machines can talk without going through the dsl, thats all cool.

I have a usb printer connected to my emac. It works perfectly from the emac ( or the ibook if its plugged in there ).

I have turned on printer sharing ( and the printer sharing ports are opened in the firewall ).

The printer doesnt show up in any of the ibooks networked printer options ( Id like to use rendezvous ). Looking at the printer in the print untility, I see that it is bound to the hostname that verizon has given the emac, which presumably is operating on the dsl ip address that the emac has.

How do I make the printer bind to the internal hostname ( emac.local )? I think once I achieve this the ibook will be able to see it.
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