Will the current economy slup cause another hardware delay?

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
What do you think?


  • Reply 1 of 7
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    I didn't know it caused one in the first place. I know the new LCD iMac suppossedly got delayed cause the LCDs are still too expensive right now. We are in a recesion, but I think that's all on WallStreet, and not necessarily with the average Joe. With the exception of students, I think most mac users will buy a new mac reguardless of the economy. The LCDs have nothing to do with the economy, but I think with supply and demand.
  • Reply 2 of 7
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    The ongoing PPC slump is causing repeated hardware delays, the economy has nothing to do with it. Regardless of marketing, or Intel, or AMD, every model in Apple's line-up should have at least 50% more Mhz as of yesterday. They don't simply because IBM and Moto both have better things to do. Imagine if for the last 3-4 months we'd had powermacs between 1.1-1.33Ghz, or iMacs between 750Mhz-1Ghz, or powerbooks at around 800Mhz-1Ghz, or iBooks at 750-900Mhz. All of a sudden, Apple's line-up doesn't seem so far 'behind'. Even the Mhz myth argument becomes more palatable.

    They'll probably do this by the end of Q1 or middle of Q2 next year, by which time they would have to have at least 75% more clocks just to stay in the ball park, thus they'll still be behind. P4 may be inefficient, but at nearly 3 times the clock speed it can move data well enough.
  • Reply 3 of 7
    jrcjrc Posts: 817member
    the economy seems to have shifted more than slupped, or slumped.

    In my nexk of the woods, I can't believe how long lines are at restaurants, movies and such. I've spoken with car dealers for a while, and they said the last two months they've had record car sales. Housing seems to be doing well in new homes, but not so well in existing homes sales. Gas is cheap. Only the government workers/politicians seem to be complaining IMO.

    CompUSA, BestBuy and the like are always very busy. I've never seen it busier at places like Sam's Club, too.
  • Reply 4 of 7
    cowerdcowerd Posts: 579member
    [quote]In my nexk of the woods, I can't believe how long lines are at restaurants, movies and such. I've spoken with car dealers for a while, and they said the last two months they've had record car sales. Housing seems to be doing well in new homes, but not so well in existing homes sales. Gas is cheap. Only the government workers/politicians seem to be complaining IMO.<hr></blockquote>

    Actually very few politicians are complaining, would make it hard to get re-elected if your constituents think the economy sucks. You might have to take the blame.

    Car sales are way up because almost all bigcos are offering interest free financing. They're basically giving money away if you buy a car. Ford estimated that the were losing $2000 profit on financed cars. And home sales are actually down, though if you know any mortgage bankers they are busy because everyone if refinancing their homes, because of the low interest rates. Lines may be long, but its getting to the holiday season, and with recent stuff I think everyone needs a night out to help forget.

    Biggest sign that things aren't right: I know people who have lost jobs. Haven't ben able to say that in a few years.

    You might look at it the other way around--with the economy looking so bad, maybe Apple's going to have to put out some really dazzling product, or face lots of lost sales.
  • Reply 5 of 7
    marcukmarcuk Posts: 4,442member
    didn't Apple say that they were going to innovate themselves out of the current slump? Faster macs are coming in January, thats for sure, but we don't know if it will be 1.2-1.6 G5's or Apollo &gt;1ghz.

    I also believe that moto is shipping / producing Apollo's at the moment, so I guess that Apples current line up must be doing OK, as they could upgrade now if they wanted too.
  • Reply 6 of 7
    cdhostagecdhostage Posts: 1,038member
    Well, I might agree with you if you had said the econom was in a slump. but you said "slup." Slupping is what a dog does with its tongue when it loves you.
  • Reply 7 of 7
    leonisleonis Posts: 3,427member
    [quote]Originally posted by cdhostage:

    <strong>Well, I might agree with you if you had said the econom was in a slump. but you said "slup." Slupping is what a dog does with its tongue when it loves you.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I know I should type slump....but I just typed too fast
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