Need some buying advice!

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
I am currently using a Dell Windows Box. I have been waiting to switch to the Mac Platform since Octtober 2003. I can only spend around $2999for my Mac. I am currently facing a dilema of what I should do.

I am a middle-school going on high-school student, and do web site work, photoshop, and will be using the iLife 04' apps. I was previsouly looking at getting a 15" PowerBook, but after a n incident which occured, I decided it was not for me. Here is the incident: I was at the Apple store, and was working on GB on the PB. (They have 512 MB Ram, I'd get 1 GB, and it was the 1.25 model, not the updated ones,) and all of a sudden after working on a song for about 5 minutes, it said System overload!..It seemed that running GB was just too much for it. I tried over and over again and got the same message. This deterred me into G5 land. I realize that I can get a low-end G5 with high-end specs and a 17" studio display for $2919. Once the rumor of the G5 updates came, I decided to wait until they update. If updates go according to the rumors(all dual lineup) I would go with that.

So my basic question is: for my above needs is it worth it to wait it out for the G5, and get that, or to just get the updated 15.2" Pb, 1GB Ram, 128 Mb Video Card, 80 GB 5400RPM?

I don't necessarily need the power of the G5, nor the mobility of a notebook, its just I'd like mobiloty, and I'd like power!

I really need some advice here, because I really don't know what to do.....

The Apple Store guys were telling me that I don't need a system with that much power, but I still want to get the best bang for my buck!



  • Reply 1 of 10
    cosmocosmo Posts: 662member
    Well it seems to me that your choice comes down to portability. Do you really need a notebook?

    Do you plan on bringing your machine to school, etc?

    if so, go for the 15" PB

    If not, you will get more bang for your buck by buying the tower.

    I'm not super familiar w/ GB, but maybe this overload was because the HDD wasn't fast enough. A 3rd party 7200rpm drive might fix this. In fact, i'd suggest not upgrading the HDD through apple and buying either a FW 800 drive, or replacing the internal with a 3rd party drive.

    2999 is a lot to spend, you have many choices.
  • Reply 2 of 10
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member
    You need to be a little more descriptive of your error message because that doesn't sound normal in the least.
  • Reply 3 of 10
    I think that I will go for the G5. I don't need the portability, and it would be nice to run the same system as the NASA guy.....

    So I made a deal with my self.....if I wait for the updates of the G5(:chants: All dual....All Dual...All dual...) I'll give my self a cookeie.....

    What do you think of them lowering the prices of the displays...I'd like a 20" but currently can only afford a 17".....
  • Reply 4 of 10
    sh0ewaxsh0ewax Posts: 114member
    Well the displays are way over-due for a revamp, but I really don't see where they would go. The display thing has been covered to death in another thread just recently, do a simple search if ya want more info. New updates; new prices, if it happens. Styling is pointing that way, lack of developments is pointing no where.
  • Reply 5 of 10
    Garage Band does NOT over-tax a G4 ... it could be that the demo machine had 20 different apps open and running in the background .... that might slow things down enough that GB couldn't keep up in real-time.

    In any case, I am not aware of ANY OSX error message even remotely simliar to what you described.

    In any case, the G5 is overkill for what you're doing (but that doesn't mean it wouldn't be cool to have one on your desk !)
  • Reply 6 of 10
    The strange thing is that I checked and I didn't have any other open stuff besides finder! And yes, I was playing it in real time, but that was my test for it, because I knew that if it couldn't handle GB in real-time, it wasn't powerful enough.

    Also I was thinking of it and there really wouldn't be a point for me to get a portable, because I'd be sacrificing something I do want(Power) for something I don't need(Portability)..

    ooh well....Here to G5 Updates.....Whereever they are in that big Apple Jungle...
  • Reply 7 of 10
    ~ufo~~ufo~ Posts: 245member

    GB wouldn't soon overload a G4 indeed.

    I guess the system wasn't set up right for it.

    in ProTools which I use you have Hardware buffer size and maximum percentage of CPU load which you can specify in setup, that makes all the difference in performance.

    My guess is that it wasn't setup properly at the store...

    like any machine, you need to tweak it to get the best performance out of it.

    good luck with your new Mac, you won't regret it!
  • Reply 8 of 10
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member

    Originally posted by applejustworks2

    I am currently using a Dell Windows Box. I have been waiting to switch to the Mac Platform since Octtober 2003. I can only spend around $2999for my Mac. I am currently facing a dilema of what I should do.

    I am a middle-school going on high-school student, and do web site work, photoshop, and will be using the iLife 04' apps. I was previsouly looking at getting a 15" PowerBook, but after a n incident which occured, I decided it was not for me. Here is the incident: I was at the Apple store, and was working on GB on the PB. (They have 512 MB Ram, I'd get 1 GB, and it was the 1.25 model, not the updated ones,) and all of a sudden after working on a song for about 5 minutes, it said System overload!..It seemed that running GB was just too much for it. I tried over and over again and got the same message. This deterred me into G5 land. I realize that I can get a low-end G5 with high-end specs and a 17" studio display for $2919. Once the rumor of the G5 updates came, I decided to wait until they update. If updates go according to the rumors(all dual lineup) I would go with that.

    So my basic question is: for my above needs is it worth it to wait it out for the G5, and get that, or to just get the updated 15.2" Pb, 1GB Ram, 128 Mb Video Card, 80 GB 5400RPM?

    I don't necessarily need the power of the G5, nor the mobility of a notebook, its just I'd like mobiloty, and I'd like power!

    I really need some advice here, because I really don't know what to do.....

    The Apple Store guys were telling me that I don't need a system with that much power, but I still want to get the best bang for my buck!


    While in most cases k-12 students cant get this, you realy need to check into edu. discounts, and for the same price get a 20 inch screen, If you have a relative who works at any kind of school or college/university or a relative at college/university who would get you the discount, ask them to buy it for you and save the scratch for games dude
  • Reply 9 of 10
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member

    Originally posted by KingOfSomewhereHot

    ...In any case, the G5 is overkill for what you're doing (but that doesn't mean it wouldn't be cool to have one on your desk !)

    For what you are doing NOW it is overkill, but 4 years from now that will likely run the current apps with reasonable proformance, and thus, if you go G5 you shouldnt need a new box untill college.

    Dont forget the flexability, in the not to distant future Sata hdds will be availible with 500 gigs and thus that PM could have a terabyte of internal hdd space, and the ram, up to 8 gigs, this is an unreal number for todays apps but you never know what the latest version of any software pkg will need/want. thus for your situation, a pbook would be nuts

    <after thought>

    in the first post in the thread you talked about adding RAM, NEVER pay apples prices for ram, shop arround and save big$$ and if you dont get the monitor and keep the display you have now - you could probably squeeze a low-end ibook in and thus have your cake and eat it too
  • Reply 10 of 10
    agreer..when you say thus for your situation a powerbook would be nuts..what do you mean?

    EDIT: No way I'm going with a Notebook...There ain't a point..

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