The Destruction of Martin Luther King's Dream

in General Discussion edited January 2014
The Destruction of Martin Luther King's Dream of a Colorblind Society

by Onkar Ghate (January 15, 2001)

Summary: "It is no surprise that America is growing more racist, since the affirmative action and multiculturalist programs are themselves based on racist premises."

[] Before he became an advocate of "black power," Martin Luther King said he dreamed of a day when "my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."

That noble dream is all but dead. The question is why? One professor thinks he has the answer. His name is Onkar Ghate.

Dr. Ghate received his doctorate in philosophy from the University of Calgary. Ghate is a resident fellow at the Ayn Rand Institute where he teaches in the Institute's Objectivist Academic Center, where he teaches a year-long undergraduate course on Ayn Rand's philosophy Objectivism.

"In the years since the 'I have a dream' speech, the laudable goal of a colorblind society has been subverted through racial quotas and the teachings of multiculturalism," said Dr. Onkar Ghate. As we commemorate King's birth it is depressing to note how far America has deviated from the "dream," said Ghate.

"The consequence of the spread of racial quotas and multiculturalist ideas hasn't been harmony, but a precipitous rise in racial hatred throughout America, particularly in the classroom and the workplace. It is no surprise that America is growing more racist, since the affirmative action and multiculturalist programs are themselves based on racist premises."

Ghate added that King's dream can be realized, but this would require that Americans:

Recognize that individualism, not collectivism, is the antidote for racism

Recognize that affirmative action and multiculturalism are based on racism

Demand that when hiring, employers only consider character traits such as ability and honesty, not physical attributes such as skin color or gender

Demand the elimination of all black, ethnic and women's studies programs at public universities

Demand the elimination of all racial categories on government forms

"The wider tragedy of Martin Luther King Day is that King's dream of a colorblind society has been replaced by antithetical philosophical ideas," said Ghate, who lectures on philosophy throughout North America. "But it is a dream that could be made real in less than a generation--a dream we should already be celebrating as a reality."

About the Author: Dr. Ghate is a resident fellow at the Ayn Rand Institute where he teaches in the Institute?s Objectivist Academic Center. He has lectured on philosophy and Objectivism throughout North America.


  • Reply 1 of 11
    hardheadhardhead Posts: 644member
    hm, do you agree with the writer?

    I'll be back but I wanted to put in a quick reply before going off to see a client. While in Santa Barbara earlier this week(the iBook incident), I was talking with a couple of SB's more prosperous and well heeled Restauranteurs. They were bemoaning the fact of hiring green-carded workers instead of illegals, and having to pay them minimum wage. Talk about a couple of greedy SOB's...

    That lead to one of them complaining of why his son has to learn about Black history in school. "Why do we have to have a "Black history" month anyway? After all, they got it good now, just look at how many TV shows their on!" This kinda got my goat so I explained the following as diplomatically as possible.

    First, the vast majority of those shows are COMEDIES... Keep singen and dancin ya'll...

    Second, every day in the USA is "White" peoples history.

    Some of Ghate's suggestions are interesting and maybe someday will be implemented when we have progressed enough as a society. Some other suggestions, notibly, the elimination of all black, ethnic and women's studies programs at public universities would just play into the same mindset that thinks affirmative action is a bust.

    Better get going...
  • Reply 2 of 11

    Originally posted by hmurchison

    Ghate added that King's dream can be realized, but this would require that Americans:

    Recognize that individualism, not collectivism, is the antidote for [every single problem ever faced by humankind, ever, in the whole history of time]

  • Reply 3 of 11
    progmacprogmac Posts: 1,850member
    i think of poor inner-city black kids who would have no opportunity whatsoever without AA-type programs.

    however, i think if we switched from AA to more income-based programs, these kids would have a chance that wouldn't be based on melanin content.

    i know that in many integrated societies, the question of race is never asked on forms, etc.
  • Reply 4 of 11
    naderfannaderfan Posts: 156member
    I agree that income-based programs are a better way to go than racial or gender based ones. Especially for colleges where income levels determine what kind of school you go to. I've noticed that you can be as dumb as a rock, but if you have money, someone will take you. ( base this opinion on the fact that I have dealt with people at my school, which is a private school that costs an arm and a leg, who thought London was a seperate country from England, who thought Martin Luther's reformation happened in the early 1900s, and after my advisor told me one of his new freshman advisees scored a whopping 9 on her ACT (top score is 32, for those of you outside the Midwest. ). Whereas even if you are smart, or have the potential to do well, without the money to pay for tuition, you're pretty screwed, regardless of race.
  • Reply 5 of 11
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member

    Summary: "It is no surprise that America is growing more racist, since the affirmative action and multiculturalist programs are themselves based on racist premises."

    Hyperbole. Americas history is so steeped with racism and xenophobia I always get a laugh when someone tells me it's getting worse. Blacks don't hang from trees anymore. Latinos can actually get movie parts now that don't require knives. I'm liking 2004 a hell of a lot better than 1904 if you catch my drift.


    [] Before he became an advocate of "black power," Martin Luther King said he dreamed of a day when "my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."

    Martin didn't realize the absolute truth about America. Here you are granted nothing for the color of your skin or the content of your character. Americas is about the content of your wallet..your access to resources. We can't blame America...this has been the way humans have interacted since the idea of storing valuable items began. Building your premise based off of a utopian dream is going to lead you nowhere. There is not one country on this planet that judges you fairly based on your skin color. Economic strata is far more important should you manage to get to the top echelons.


    Recognize that individualism, not collectivism, is the antidote for racism

    Individualism is an anathema to our education. Since birth we are educated to fit within a portion of society and how well we do that deterimes our worth. Individualism is a dream no more obtainable than being judged solely by the content of your character.


    Recognize that affirmative action and multiculturalism are based on racism

    And race is a social construct which is one of the poorest ways of identifiying a person. Multiculturalism and AA need not be based on ethnicity but could encompass many new definitions. I take issue with the notion that Race and Multiculturalism can be easily defined across many cultures and ethnicities.


    Demand that when hiring, employers only consider character traits such as ability and honesty, not physical attributes such as skin color or gender

    Impossible. You will only be able to ascertain ability by monitoring the person working. Honesty will be something you just have to take someones word at unless they prove themselves to be dishonest.


    Demand the elimination of all black, ethnic and women's studies programs at public universities

    Serves no purpose


    Demand the elimination of all racial categories on government forms

    And give up huge amounts of data about how we hire, who we hire and when we hire? That asks too much

    I don't like the social ills any more than the next person but the only way to be enlightened about anything is to confront it head on and attempt to find solutions that work while disturbing the natural evolution of things the least.

    AA and Multiculturalism cannot create racists. Racists ideologies reside in some people laying dormant until they have sufficient cause to justify their feelings. Nothing you do or say can change them's strictly a choice they make.
  • Reply 6 of 11
    tmptmp Posts: 601member
    Ah yes, the illustrious Ayn Rand institute. Home to such essays as

    "America's Compassion in Iraq Is Self-Destructive

    Fighting a compassionate war is immoral; it is costing the lives of American soldiers in Iraq and emboldening our enemies throughout the Islamic world.

    "On Earth Day Remember: If Environmentalism Succeeds, It Will Make Human Life Impossible"

    "Why Are CEOs Paid So Much?

    Successful CEOs are indispensable to their companies and deserve their high salaries"

    Well, at least they're equal opportunity cranks.
  • Reply 7 of 11
    jessearljessearl Posts: 103member

    Originally posted by tmp

    Ah yes, the illustrious Ayn Rand institute. Home to such essays as

    "America's Compassion in Iraq Is Self-Destructive

    Fighting a compassionate war is immoral; it is costing the lives of American soldiers in Iraq and emboldening our enemies throughout the Islamic world.

    "On Earth Day Remember: If Environmentalism Succeeds, It Will Make Human Life Impossible"

    "Why Are CEOs Paid So Much?

    Successful CEOs are indispensable to their companies and deserve their high salaries"

    Well, at least they're equal opportunity cranks.

    There's nothing wrong with those essays.
  • Reply 8 of 11
    tmptmp Posts: 601member
    not if you're a self centered crank.
  • Reply 9 of 11
    You will never have equality in the world if people are seperated by their skin color, sexual preference, religion,age or gender. Any and all special treatment or care denotes a seperation, like political correctness and affirmative action.

    Until people can judge people for who they are and not some superficial characteristic there will never be equality.
  • Reply 10 of 11
    Just the fact that you need to label yourself racially is very racist.

    The government, school, employer should not care about this information.

    No wonder this country is screwed.

    This is the reason why I always leave the "race" space blank and if they try to label me I write them a letter to request the removal of such information. I am not american, I shouldn't be submitted to your racist labeling.
  • Reply 11 of 11
    shawnjshawnj Posts: 6,656member
    Didn't MLK actually start/fund/favor affirmative action policies-- any evidence that he did would deal a significant blow to whatever this article argues...

    EDIT: Yep.
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