Fixing a jiggly headphone jack on iPod

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
I have a second generation 10 GB iPod, and the headphone jack is slightly loose. It's usually not a problem, but even with my good headphones that have a right-angle plug, I'll still hear a static sound sometimes when I put it into or take it out of my pocket. Anyone have experience with disassembling the iPod to take a look at this? I'm thinking it will only get worse as time passes, so I want to take care of it ASAP. I'm not that concerned about soldering because my grandfather is quite amazing with small tools and soldering irons (he builds HO-scale model trains). The main problem is getting to the part that needs to be fixed.


  • Reply 1 of 1

    Originally posted by Luca

    I have a second generation 10 GB iPod, and the headphone jack is slightly loose. It's usually not a problem, but even with my good headphones that have a right-angle plug, I'll still hear a static sound sometimes when I put it into or take it out of my pocket. Anyone have experience with disassembling the iPod to take a look at this? I'm thinking it will only get worse as time passes, so I want to take care of it ASAP. I'm not that concerned about soldering because my grandfather is quite amazing with small tools and soldering irons (he builds HO-scale model trains). The main problem is getting to the part that needs to be fixed.

    There is a very good article in the popular science mag. of march 04 about taking the ipod apart to replace the battery (page 93) but the forcaste is not very good.... your best bet is taking it back to the apple store (if you are still under waranty, if not, buy the apple care protection plant ($60)).... they will replace it it anything fail (replace my 40 gig 3 times in 3 month... I guess I'm kind of ruff or something.)

    any how, good luck.
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