Dealers Picket Apple

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Has anyone seen this yet?

These guys just won't go away. Why doesn't Apple come clean with them and their shareholders and make it clear, once and for all, what their policy is with respect to resellers. Are resellers an "important part of the channel" or are they direct competition for Apple's ever decreasing market share?


  • Reply 1 of 4
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member
    First, three dealers picketed Apple out of how many?

    Second, those three just happen to be suing Apple.


    Originally posted by meilleure ami

    Has anyone seen this yet?

    These guys just won't go away. Why doesn't Apple come clean with them and their shareholders and make it clear, once and for all, what their policy is with respect to resellers.

    Since that's currently the subject of a lawsuit, it'll have to come out as part of that legal process. Apple Legal - hell, anyone's legal - would have a fit if Apple execs commented on an issue they were being sued over.

    Besides, Apple has made very clear statements about what their policy is. If that's not trusted, what kind of statement would be? What if Apple's statements are in fact correct? The honesty of at least one of the plaintiffs is open to question, if you want to give weight to allegations.


    Are resellers an "important part of the channel" or are they direct competition for Apple's ever decreasing market share?

    Fallacy on two levels. First of all, competitors can be an important part of the channel (hint: HPod - or how about when Dell was stocking the iPod?), so the "or" is inappropriate. Second, the implication that a shrinking market share means a shrinking market is manifestly false.
  • Reply 2 of 4

    Fallacy on two levels. First of all, competitors can be an important part of the channel (hint: HPod - or how about when Dell was stocking the iPod?), so the "or" is inappropriate.

    Competitors outside of Apple selling AN Apple product does not strike me as the same as undercutting one's OWN channel outlet for your entire line of products. Am I missing something here?


    Second, the implication that a shrinking market share means a shrinking market is manifestly false.

    Agreed. The problem for Apple is that sales of their CPUs are down from 2.9% to 1.7%. This decrease does NOT reflect sales of other CPUs. In fact, Dell now has 6% of the market even after closing its own retail stores.
  • Reply 3 of 4
    torifiletorifile Posts: 4,024member

    Originally posted by meilleure ami

    Has anyone seen this yet?

    These guys just won't go away. Why doesn't Apple come clean with them and their shareholders and make it clear, once and for all, what their policy is with respect to resellers. Are resellers an "important part of the channel" or are they direct competition for Apple's ever decreasing market share?

    Why do you have a chip on your shoulder? You should just come clean.
  • Reply 4 of 4

    Why do you have a chip on your shoulder? You should just come clean.

    It galls me to hear Apple say one thing and do another. Apple continues to present itself as something different--not just another computer company. While this may be true with respect to their superior products, it is far from true with respect to their behavior. What bothers me about this is the hypocrisy involved.

    What bothers me even further is that most Apple enthusiasts seem to be apologists for Apple, rather than looking into these matters more deeply.

    Why do I care if Apple behaves like any other large corporation? Why do I hold Apple to a higher standard of behavior? I am still an idealist--holding out hope that a large company can conduct business in a fair and equitable way and that will bring them the greatest success all around.
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