Director MX 2004

in Mac Software edited January 2014
The photography studio I'm working for is looking to build their marketing program partly around some CD- and DVD-based portfolio/testimonial pieces. Obviously the mother of all new features has finally been added, in that you are supposed to be able to compile both Windows and Mac productions from either platform.

IOW, no more requirements to have both versions in order to make both types of projectors (or whatever they're calling the output file these days). Do any of you have first hand experience with DMX2004 so far?

Pros? Cons?

I have used Director for a number of projects in the past, but never on a month-to-month type basis... so I'm not that worried about the learning curve from v7/8, unless you guys think I should be worried.


  • Reply 1 of 3
    Dir MX 2004 is a good upgrade.

    You can create projector for both platforms (especially if you author on Mac), the embedded font privilege issue on windows is gone, you can make tool MIAW (customize the window very easily), it's far more stable than dir MX on OSX, you can specify an icon when creating projector, it's the same file format as dir 8.5, and MX...

    It's worth the price for the upgrade.

    If you want more information, don't hesitate to ask me by mail ([email protected])
  • Reply 2 of 3
    bigbluebigblue Posts: 341member
    Also, the OSX version can do a bit more than the Windows version: you can make projectors for Windows, OSX and OS9. The Win version only does OSX and Win.
  • Reply 3 of 3
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    Thanks for the comments so far. I had heard that perhaps it was no more stable than the original MX version, but it's encouraging to hear you note otherwise, Nico. So you haven't had a lot of project / media corruption issues or app crashes I take it?

    Also: do you guys think an NFR license would work on a boxed commercial upgrade? Sort of devious for me to ask, but I'd rather charge the lesser amount out to my client if I possibly can.
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