The Piercing Thread . . .

in General Discussion edited January 2014
So I saw the thread about getting a tattoo, and it made me think of that *other* fashionable body modification: piercings. The majority of my friends pretty readilly object to piercings being a good thing. They think that piercings are a turn off 9 times out of 10.

Me, I disagree. I love piercings on a girl. Im against the idea of really odd body piercings, but I think nose rings are cute and belly button rings are seriously sexy. 8) Ive heard from some girls that they don't want belly button rings because theyre so common now. I think thats nonsense! On a girl with a nice stomach, they just add to the sexiness, and the more girls, the better! They just look cool. Anyway . . . lol

What are your thoughts on piercings, and on body mods in general? I dont think theres anything nicer than a sexy girl with a couple well-placed piercings and maybe even an inconspicuous tattoo (but not overboard). Then again, body mods have become almost ubiqutous to my immediate generation, and maybe because of that I have been trained to like them. Who knows?


  • Reply 1 of 14
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    Oh I dunno, I celebrated my 25th birthday by getting a couple of well-placed holes, and that was almost 9 years ago.
  • Reply 2 of 14
    shetlineshetline Posts: 4,695member
    Just another example of the triumph of mass-market culture over any real attempt at individuality. "Look at me! I'm different™ -- just like everyone else!"
  • Reply 3 of 14
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member
    Some people over do it. Some shouldn't do it. There isn't any real reason a girl shouldn't have her ear lobe pierced though, but it isn't necessary. Guys, it's iffy.

    Belly button piercings depend on the person as well as eye brow and tongue. In the tattoo thread I talked about piercings a little. I basically said that while I don't like them on most people (eye and tongue) that on some people it doesn't look bad. Those are the only piercings I approve of
  • Reply 4 of 14
    tougue, lip, genitals and nipples are retarted places to get pierced
  • Reply 5 of 14
    resres Posts: 711member
    I like piercings to some extent. I have one in my left ear and I might add another one or two.

    I'm not too fond of rings in peoples lips or eyebrows, but on the ears, nose and belly button they can look good (it depends on the indivdiual).

    As to the more extreme piercings, some are cool, others are not to my taste. (I must admit that I had a GF with nipple rings that looked really good and were very exotic.)
  • Reply 6 of 14
    splinemodelsplinemodel Posts: 7,311member
    I really hate nose rings. I think they always make girls look worse. Same goes for belly button stuff. To tell you the truth, I'm also not a big fan of earrings or long finger nails either. I'm also a big fan of short hair on girls (chin to shoulder length).

    Verdict: I like things neat and efficient. Piercings are tacked on ornaments. . . like grape leaves at the capital of a column. Not a big fan.
  • Reply 7 of 14
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member
    Eh I forgot about nose. Eye brow is better then nose, but especially with eye brow, you never see a nice classy girl with her nose pierced. I guess the same can be said for eye brow though. Eh...ears (2 on lobe max...MAYBE one upper ear), belly button (getting kinda slutty), and tongue are the only ones I approve of.
  • Reply 8 of 14
    ibrowseibrowse Posts: 1,749member
    I have an 8 gauge hole in my left ear. In High School I pierced my nipple myself, that turned out bad. It only lasted 2 days.
  • Reply 9 of 14
    artman @_@artman @_@ Posts: 2,546member

    Originally posted by burningwheel

    tougue, lip, genitals are retarted places to get pierced

    Tongue piercing - Makes breath smell like batteries. And I hate people who constantly "twirl" it or lick it...ack.

    Lip piercing - Ditto. I don't want a kiss or get a BJ from that either.

    Genital piercing - Don't even want to go NEAR that.

    Belly Button - Common and cute...unless the girl has to lift her fat to show it.

    Ears - Fine. On girls.

    Anywhere Else - Just plain stupid IMO.

    I have no tattoos or piercings...look at me! I'm different!

  • Reply 10 of 14

    you never see a nice classy girl with her nose pierced.

    Actually, from what I see, tiny little nose jewells are only just below ear piercings on girls in terms of "respectable piercings." I know a lot of girls who are in my Honors and AP classes who have little, cute nose rings, and they are not at all slutty or non-respectable. Belly button rings are less respectable, in my opinion, even though theyre more common. Now, a ring right through the septum . . . thats a completely different kind of nose piercing, and not what Im talking about.

    Yeah, tongue rings. I guess Im turned on by them . . but at the same time . . . a tongue ring on a girl has obvious sexual connotations (which is why theyre a turn on . . hehe). They go far beyond just "looking cute." I dont think I could date a girl with one beause tongue rings are just completely unrespectable, and 97% of girls with them could be considered "sluts" by a majority of the population.

    LOL, nipple rings. Umm . . . Cant say much about 'em. I think those are an 18+ piercing, and the girls Im around every day arent that old yet.
  • Reply 11 of 14
    jubelumjubelum Posts: 4,490member
    I had my ankle pierced when I was 16.

    By a nail gun. That was enough for me. 8)
  • Reply 12 of 14
    dmband0026dmband0026 Posts: 2,345member

    Originally posted by Jubelum

    I had my ankle pierced when I was 16.

    By a nail gun. That was enough for me. 8)


    I've got no piercing, but my friends have been trying to get me to get my eyebrow pierced. But it's not gonna happen. I'm not a big fan of them, I like one in each ear on girls, and some guys it looks okay. But the norm nowadays seems to be 12 in each ear, tongue, belly button, nose, lip, and nipples. It's so stupid, that's not even close to attractive.

    I don't know what it is about belly button piercing, I just can't stand them. It's like every girl in the world has one now, and I find them really unattractive. If you've got a nice belly, show it off, but not by poking holes in it.
  • Reply 13 of 14

    I've got no piercing, but my friends have been trying to get me to get my eyebrow pierced. But it's not gonna happen. I'm not a big fan of them, I like one in each ear on girls, and some guys it looks okay. But the norm nowadays seems to be 12 in each ear, tongue, belly button, nose, lip, and nipples. It's so stupid, that's not even close to attractive.

    I don't know what it is about belly button piercing, I just can't stand them. It's like every girl in the world has one now, and I find them really unattractive. If you've got a nice belly, show it off, but not by poking holes in it.

    ***Republican Alert!!!***

    Well, to each is own I just like the idea of a little, artful metal accentuating a sexy stomach. I don't know, maybe its because they scream, "Im a rebel!" or "Im not afraid to be sexy and show my stomach off!" Hmm . . . wheres Torifile when you need him? 8)
  • Reply 14 of 14
    giaguaragiaguara Posts: 2,724member
    I have my ear pierced (normal earring piercings x 3 in both, plus one piercing up the ear in one ear) but I don't consider it piercing or anything "radical" or "rebel". As I have seen hundreds of people have their ears pierced (high part of the ear).

    Most piercings seem mostly teen angst - or overgrown teen angst. Nothign rebel - maybe it could have been such soemthing like 30 years ago.

    And belly ... I've got that pierced. A friend of mine (qualified piercer, also truely still a punk á la 1980s) in UK pierced mine. I think a girl or woman who has her belly pierced has the piercing because She Feels More Sexy With The Piercing.

    I would not enjoy any piercing to show off. I don't fancy showing the belly like the fashion suggested (this year? last year? I try not to care) as I think any sized belly (even the belly lacking medically 20 lb of it) looks huge when shown off with the pants that seem to be dropping down. So, evecn having my belly pierced, you are not going to see it.
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