Magnets & iPods & TiBooks - Oh My!

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
So I'm flying out to Vancouver tomorrow and I'm starting to pack. I just noticed something - the 'snappy' leather courier bag I received for Christmas uses two magnetic "buttons" to snap together. My laptop and my iPod are suppose to be inside this bag and I'm a little concerned about damage to the hardrives/machines.

Does anyone have any comments? advice? This is a issue?

I've also noticed that the "power" of the magnet is strongest on the side of the button facing away from the bag - a paperclip is firmly pulled by the button. On the backside of the button (the side that would face toward the iPod/TiBook,) the paperclip is almost not attracted. I would say it's only 10% of the "power" compared to the other side. Is it possible this button is shielded in some way?


  • Reply 1 of 1
    noleli2noleli2 Posts: 129member
    I highly doubt it could cause an issue because of shielding and environmental tolerances, etc., but just in case....

    Magnets by themselves cannot cause any damage to magnetic storage devices (harddrives, etc.). Relative motion of a magnet near a drive is what causes problems, AFAIK, so you're unlikely to run into problems except while you're packing or unpacking. If I remember my Maxwell correctly, if you're really concerned you'll want to move the devices into place slowly, thus reducing the amount of induction.

    Maybe someone with a bit more E-mag than me can confirm this.
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