My interview...

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Well, where do I start?

1. Transportation - Wow, this was one less worry. One bus takes me there in 40 minutes...right to the front door (costs $8.00 bucks round trip though...).

2. Got there early. Mainly because I wanted them to be confident I could get there. Human Resources guy was perplexed anyways. But all's cool have a cup of coffee and relax. I'll wait to have my interview...with the Polo client.

3. Had to fill out an application. Its typical now for companies to do this. Except that there were two additional (& unmentioned in the job descriptions) "disclosures"...

a.) I'll have to take a drug/alcohol test. Jeez, I'm not driving a truck...I'm going to be a corporate cubicle dweller!

b.) They will also screen my "consumer uses"(?). Basically it indicates that by signing this I will allow them to screen my consumer habits, credit and other information.

3. By then...I just wanted to run...BUT, I'm ready for my interview with the Polo girl for Content, make that Merchandising Analyst...Content Manager position was filled. Huh?

To explain, I did receive two job position descriptions and Human Resources guy said I fit the Content Manager position. Ok. Fine. That's what I came prepared for...and so much for that.

Anyway, I have the interview and I think I bullshitted pretty well. What else could I do? I wasn't aware that the position they recommended to me would have been filled. So I just told Polo girl how good I'd be in the Merchandising Analyst (whatever that is) position. Doesn't seem to be that difficult...just couldn't get her to clarify it for me in the aspects they would be in this situation. But I think the interview went well...she had 6 others to interview today.

Little worried about the testing though. I'm an occasional toker and if that test does take place...I'm not sure what the results might be.

Another thing. She and HR guy have my resume right before their eyes and I still really don't know why they called me in. My skills are good in web and graphic design, but in what they want...just don't know. I'm flexible and I can be trained quickly with anything new. But I just don't get what or where those keywords on my resume raised their attention. Neither mentioned visiting my web site with my work or requested to view my portfolio...

I'll get a call next week from Polo girl as to whether I got it or not.

But I think everyones advice worked for me today. No one said "Expect the unexpected" though. But, after other situations with corporations I've had like this...I was aware that the unexpected does happen.

We'll see. I just found a few other online job opportunities and have sent resumes to those. Expect the unexpected...

P.S. It's ironic I think that the day of this interview marks another, more historical interview with Arbusto and Cheney to the 9|11 Commission...and shit do they have it easy (no recording, taping or within the Commission chambers..."Our turf, not yours.") don't they? Assholes.

Thanks again for the help. It mattered.


  • Reply 1 of 20
    burningwheelburningwheel Posts: 1,827member
    what's up with 3b? that scare's me. it's none o ftheir business. i 've never heard of that.i'm starting to look to get back into the workforce after a long absence

    right now you do freelance web design work?

    good luck
  • Reply 2 of 20
    cam'roncam'ron Posts: 503member
    uh... it costs 4 bucks to take the bus??
  • Reply 3 of 20
    crusadercrusader Posts: 1,129member
    So was the Polo girl hot or what?

    Details, man, details!
  • Reply 4 of 20
    artman @_@artman @_@ Posts: 2,546member

    Originally posted by burningwheel

    what's up with 3b? that scare's me. it's none o ftheir business. i 've never heard of that.i'm starting to look to get back into the workforce after a long absence

    right now you do freelance web design work?

    good luck

    3b? Elaborate...I guess you mean the drug test? Not really worried about the test...just where (as to how I'll get there) and when.

    Freelance? If I can find some...If I can deal with the client...and if I ever get paid...yeah, I guess so...this is why I'm looking for a real job.

  • Reply 5 of 20
    artman @_@artman @_@ Posts: 2,546member

    Originally posted by Cam'ron

    uh... it costs 4 bucks to take the bus??

    Uh, I don't don't what fares are in "O dot" but in Philly SEPTA screws all of Philly with fare rates. It's $4.00 there and $4.00 bucks back (Zone fares and shit). I would probably get a weekly or monthly pass.

  • Reply 6 of 20
    artman @_@artman @_@ Posts: 2,546member

    Originally posted by Crusader

    So was the Polo girl hot or what?

    Details, man, details!

    Yes. Brunette, 'bout my age and single/divorced from what I could tell. But that's wrong...

  • Reply 7 of 20
    carol acarol a Posts: 1,043member

    Originally posted by Artman @_@

    Well, where do I start?

    1. Transportation - Wow, this was one less worry. One bus takes me there in 40 minutes...right to the front door (costs $8.00 bucks round trip though...).

    Eight bucks seems a little steep. If you got the job, you might be able to carpool/vanpool with a few others - chip in for gas.


    2. Got there early. Mainly because I wanted them to be confident I could get there.

    Good idea.


    a.) I'll have to take a drug/alcohol test. Jeez, I'm not driving a truck...I'm going to be a corporate cubicle dweller!

    Well, this isn't 'too' uncommon, I guess. For teaching in my state, people just now coming into the profession are drug-screened. And now we *ALL* are fingerprinted and undergo FBI background checks. (So you know I'm a good kid, because I have the *FBI stamp of approval*. )


    b.) They will also screen my "consumer uses"(?). Basically it indicates that by signing this I will allow them to screen my consumer habits, credit and other information.

    Geez! I can see them screening a credit report. But "consumer habits"? Yikes! That's pretty creepy.


    3. By then...I just wanted to run...

    No kidding.


    But I think the interview went well...



    Little worried about the testing though. I'm an occasional toker and if that test does take place...I'm not sure what the results might be.

    Well, you know they can test the hair, and it can show substances that have been consumed over the past months.


    Another thing. She and HR guy have my resume right before their eyes and I still really don't know why they called me in. My skills are good in web and graphic design, but in what they want...just don't know. I'm flexible and I can be trained quickly with anything new. But I just don't get what or where those keywords on my resume raised their attention. Neither mentioned visiting my web site with my work or requested to view my portfolio...

    I'll get a call next week from Polo girl as to whether I got it or not.

    Well, I do very much hope you get it, Artman. But if you *don't* get the job, maybe it is for the best. I'm glad you think the interview went well. You sound like you were comfortable, and that's great! If the company is fairly large, they might keep you in mind for something more up your alley.


    But I think everyones advice worked for me today. No one said "Expect the unexpected" though. But, after other situations with corporations I've had like this...I was aware that the unexpected does happen.

    Well, did they ask you any 'trick' questions to purposely catch you off-guard?

    Last summer I went through two days of interviews and testing for the Dept. of Homeland Security. (In the process of checking out their application for my brother, I actually had to fill it out (online) to proceed from one page to another, and so I filled it out for myself.)

    The testing was done in a hotel ballroom on 100 computers (Dell), and was very interesting. I swore not to divulge stuff about the testing, though I don't think it matters anymore. But in the four hours of computerized testing, some of the questions had to do with union stuff and rabble-rousing and bad-mouthing "the govt.-as-employer".

    My point in mentioning this is that I suppose your company has had problems in the areas of drugs and personal insolvency. But the 'consumer habits' check definitely seems a bit weird to me. (eek!) Wonder what they're actually looking for...and I wonder if what they're doing is actually legal? hmmm...


    Thanks again for the help. It mattered.

  • Reply 8 of 20
    crazychestercrazychester Posts: 1,339member
    THC can show up in urine a month or more after it's been consumed. So don't assume you're out of the woods if it's urine drug testing.

    Are you sure this company is legit? You sound like you are but that screening consumer habits thing and other stuff that went down seems pretty bloody odd.
  • Reply 9 of 20
    billybobskybillybobsky Posts: 1,914member

    The septa month pass is the only way to go...
  • Reply 10 of 20

    Originally posted by Artman @_@

    3b? Elaborate...I guess you mean the drug test? Not really worried about the test...just where (as to how I'll get there) and when.

    Freelance? If I can find some...If I can deal with the client...and if I ever get paid...yeah, I guess so...this is why I'm looking for a real job.

    no not the drug test "comsumer habits" etc..
  • Reply 11 of 20
    alcimedesalcimedes Posts: 5,486member

    one bit of advice we seem to have forgotten. if she's cute, and you're not married, bang her.

    instant job if done properly.
  • Reply 12 of 20
    shetlineshetline Posts: 4,695member

    Originally posted by Artman @_@

    b.) They will also screen my "consumer uses"(?). Basically it indicates that by signing this I will allow them to screen my consumer habits, credit and other information.

    This makes me wonder... Did you sign any paperwork giving the prospective employer permission to screen you now, or was the screening simply something that you were told would happen only if you were hired?

    Could this company be turning all applicants into convenient consumer data points that they track indefinitely, regardless of whether they hire the applicants or not?
  • Reply 13 of 20
    cosmonutcosmonut Posts: 4,872member
    I've heard that more and more companies are doing credit checks on applicants all the time. It shows how "trustworthy" you are financially, and blah blah blah.
  • Reply 14 of 20
    thegeldingthegelding Posts: 3,230member
    drug tests are pretty rampent co-worker has a kid who got a job doing maintainance work at a golf course...he had to get drug tested because he will sometimes drive the "pick up the golf balls cart"...silly...if ever there was a job that screamed out for smoking a doobie it is driving that cart around while having middle aged men and frat boys drive balls at you...

    anyways, i can't see how he will pass that drug test, but if he does i'll let you know what "kit" he used...

    the problem with the drug testing is that the nasty drugs clear your system fairly quickly, yet mary jane sticks around for "freakin" ever (or at least it seems like it does if you're a toker)...and who really cares if you smoke a joint on saturday night while watching the wizard of oz for the 56th time...

    anyways, good luck...they should let you know when the drug test is...drink lots of water, no doobies from now till when you hear from them...stick to alcohol and benedryls

    g not listen to alcimedes....banging the HR personnel is a dangerous way to try and get a job...wait till after you've already gotten the job and even then wait till after your probation period is up
  • Reply 15 of 20
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member

    Originally posted by thegelding not listen to alcimedes....banging the HR personnel is a dangerous way to try and get a job...wait till after you've already gotten the job and even then wait till after your probation period is up

    No, just make sure you don't stop banging her until the probation period is up.

  • Reply 16 of 20
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member

    Originally posted by CosmoNut

    I've heard that more and more companies are doing credit checks on applicants all the time. It shows how "trustworthy" you are financially, and blah blah blah.

    More to the point, if you have massive debt, it's a flag you might be an embezzlement risk.
  • Reply 17 of 20
    gilschgilsch Posts: 1,995member
    Way to go Artman. Hope you get it if you really want it. Or need it(the job, not the sex, although that would be a good thing ). As far as the drug you know if those herbal teas "to speed up detoxification" work?

    If you do get the job, ask about any carpooling programs they might have.
  • Reply 18 of 20
    artman @_@artman @_@ Posts: 2,546member
    I got a call today...from HR guy. He says that Molly is pursuing another candidate for the position. But he does NOW think that my qualities would be better suited in their Creative Department...problem is they don't have any openings now...check later. His message was more cryptic than that...DON'T DANGLE A CARROT AT ME ASSHOLE. TELL ME IF YOU NEED ME FOR WHAT I"M WORTH OR DON'T DANGLE SHIT AT ME AT ALL!

    People, I'm about sick and tired of all this. Nothing going nowhere. I'm going broke and I work my ass off for a slave-wage retail concentration camp getting nothing in return and these corporate mondo-zombies are impossible to deal with. And I'm tired of it all. I'm seriously thinking of moving away to Harleysville with my sister and stay there. After three ****in' years I've lost all energy and inspiration to do anything in this field or even creatively...I'm spent. I really am.

  • Reply 19 of 20
    thegeldingthegelding Posts: 3,230member
    harleyville?? sounds like a tiny type town, likely in amish country??

    hold on brother, don't give up the city just yet...

    or know you best...time away can be good for the soul...try to make it feel more like a victory than a reteat though, if you can...

    going to the country to visit family, to clear the noggin and soul search is a good thing....

    moving in with sis because the city beat you down is less of a good thing...

    all about preception

  • Reply 20 of 20
    artman @_@artman @_@ Posts: 2,546member

    Originally posted by thegelding

    harleyville?? sounds like a tiny type town, likely in amish country??

    Yes, sorta. Menonite. And it is faaar away from the city. My sister's husband built a an apartment in the basement for his stepdaughter and it's vacant (she got married). I consider this a last resort...


    hold on brother, don't give up the city just yet...

    I don't know. I'm stretched to my limit financialy and emotionaly. I said to myself when I signed this lease to this tiny apartment..."One more year, just one more year to find anything..." But if I keep getting the run around with morons like these...


    or know you best...time away can be good for the soul...try to make it feel more like a victory than a reteat though, if you can...

    going to the country to visit family, to clear the noggin and soul search is a good thing....

    moving in with sis because the city beat you down is less of a good thing...

    all about preception


    Indeed. Perception. I've cried my tears...written my rage. I'll carry on. But woe be unto them who screw me over again, ever...they're "dead meat".

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