Lifetime of a Macs

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
If you were to buy a top of the line mac right at this moment. How long do you think it would last you? As in how long this will be your primary computer. We'll assume now is after MMNY and they just speed bumped everything by 200Mhz and gave them all +33Mhz faster bus speeds. TiBook, iBook(g3), PowerMac, iMac G4, and even the iPod.


  • Reply 1 of 10
    snofsnof Posts: 98member
    In my case, probably four years. I bought a low end tower (G4 400 AGP)two years ago and would have no problem using it for another year. I did add a second hard drive and some RAM. I figure a top of the line computer would last at least a year longer than the low end.
  • Reply 2 of 10
    spotbugspotbug Posts: 361member
    Three years.
  • Reply 3 of 10
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member
    3-4 years.

    I bought a top of the line Pismo in February 2000 (500 MHZ). I added another 256 RAM, OSX, etc, but that is all.

    I plan on replacing it in 2003 or early 2004.
  • Reply 4 of 10
    [quote]Originally posted by Macasaurus:

    <strong>If you were to buy a top of the line mac right... How long do you think it would last you?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    A top of the line Mac, I'd say at least 4 years, off course this is relative to what type of work you use it for. My Power Mac G4 350 MHz AGP Graphics, a bottom of the line G4 purchased in Feb 2000, is still my main computer. For the majority of my work, it's still fast enough with the exception of Adobe Illustrator 10.
  • Reply 5 of 10
    Well, three to four years. The catch is that if you buy the second from the bottom of the Pro line you'll get almost exactly that same result. Apple puts a huge upcharge on bigger drives, more memory, and a particularly large "bleeding edge" tariff on the top video card. The $4000 computer will be worth $2000 in just over a year, because it will be Apple's bottom of the line. The $2100 computer will be worth $1200, possibly more, because it is only slightly slower than the top of the line and because all three models only get about $2000 worth of work done.

    Plus, if you spend $2000 now, you can spend the other $2000 two years from now and have TWO towers for that price, one of which is much more powerful than the computer you're thinking about buying for $4000 now! Or indeed, sell the old one in two years for $900 and spend only $1100 more to have a brand-new tower that's faster than the current $4000 model, thus having spent $3100 to have a computer that's almost as good for two years and better for the next two, instead of trying to stretch this current top of the line over four.

    I can tell this is going to become my slogan, I just finished pointing it out in another thread.

    Edit: "Memory" and "mammary" are not the same thing.

    [ 06-27-2002: Message edited by: AllenChristopher ]</p>
  • Reply 6 of 10
    macasaurusmacasaurus Posts: 243member
    You make an interesting point about the towers. I have also read your other post about iBooks. All great points! Anyway, what do you think about the TiBooks? Which one do you think is the "best" value. I know you like the iBooks a lot and have shown me tons of points to go for the iBook, but the iBook doesn't have G4 or 32MB VRAM. I need a computer, mainly a laptop, that will be so powerful that I won't even think about buying a new laptop until 4 years from now when I enter the job market and get a job. A laptop that will run Jaguar like butter, and also run future OSs with reasonable speed. I have an iBook 500Mhz that I just sold cuz it was too slow and I loved the way it looked, but the screen wasn't as big as I wanted. I bought it a year ago for 1,299 and sold it for 900. Lost tons of money and parents aren't too happy about that either:/
  • Reply 7 of 10
    stroszekstroszek Posts: 801member
    I bought a top of the line Power Mac in 1997, and it's still going strong. If I found a dual 1 gig on the side of the street, this one would get retired, but until that happens, this one will continue to churn away for another year or two.
  • Reply 8 of 10
    lucaluca Posts: 3,833member
    I have a PowerBook G3, 233 MHz. It's the best 233 MHz one that was made (had L2 cache, and an active matrix 14" screen), but it's definitely getting long in the tooth. It's been in use for four years but the main limiting factors are hard drive size (easily fixable but not worth it for such an old computer) and lack of modern ports. Video RAM is also limiting, to some extent (mine has a Rage LTPro with 4 MB), but I can do many things surprisingly well. It runs OS X great, it has a nice screen, and it does almost everything I want it to do.

    However, since I want DVD playback, CD burning, LOTS of HD space, at least 16 MB VRAM, built in FireWire and USB, and faster iTunes encoding, I don't think it's worth getting more hard drive space since I'm going to replace it soon anyway.

    So, if you buy a new Mac now, it'll be usable four years down the road, but you'll be REALLY hankering for a new one (depending on what you're willing to put up with). I happened to be on the tail end of the ADB/Serial/SCSI phase of Macs, so it would have been a bit better if I got a '99 model and kept it until '03.

    [ 06-28-2002: Message edited by: Luca Rescigno ]</p>
  • Reply 9 of 10
    "I need a computer, mainly a laptop, that will be so powerful that I won't even think about buying a new laptop until 4 years from now when I enter the job market and get a job."

    I don't understand why you want to buy a computer that will barely get you through four years at $2,500, when you can buy one that's quite solid now for $1,200 and an iBook better than today's TiBook two years from now with the $1,300 you saved.

    That's the same amount of money as buying one computer for four years, except that you get a 2004 iBook better than the best 2002 TiBook (especially with a faster bus) and essentially get a 2002 iBook to use until then for free. When you hit 2004, you will have purchased for $2,500 two computers, one faster than anything on the market today and one 2002 iBook. Heck, make somebody's 2004 birthday special.

    It's a much more comfortable way to spend four years, in my opinion.

    This post isn't aimed at changing your mind, Macasaurus. You may feel that you really need the screen space or 32 MB of VRAM now more than you will need what the iBooks will have two years from now, and I won't say that you don't know your needs. I'm mainly clarifying the equal money, two computers portion of my earlier post for other readers.

    Oh, by the way, Bryce 5 runs faster on a G3 than a G4. Most things don't, but the G4 isn't all it's cracked up to be.
  • Reply 10 of 10
    I like your logic Allen, but I know that if I did go for the iBook it would be the 1,799(1,699 with edu discount) one because I need the larger screen and the cdr capabilities. If I went for the TiBook, it would be the 2,499(2,349 w/ discount) one. So the difference is about $650. I would have an iBook with good performance to barely average performance in just 2 years. With the TiBook, I would get the option of having a larger screen with more than enough Vram to last me for 3 years with excellent performance to barely average for 3 years. I think the extra year of life is worth it for 650 and not to mention the beautiful display for 3 years with the option to use another display for more desktop space. Also, I'm sure in 2 years the iBook will be worth about 300 dollars in 2 years on ebay in comparison to the TiBook which will be worth 700 in 2 years. So I would have 950 dollars after selling my iBook and have 700 for my TiBook. A difference of 250. Which isn't too bad, right? I'll pay 250 for the options (like leg heater in the winter, great display, great performance, good video, dual monitor support, pc card slot for upgrade, gig of ram, drooling PC users, etc) i get with the TiBook. Anyway, thank you for bringing great points to my attention. I love your way of putting things. I also want to know what you think about my view. If you think it sucks then please go ahead and bash it and show me its flaws. The reason I ask is because I really like your advice and your honest opinion. Thank you.
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