eMac speakers

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
Hi, I was wondering if any eMac owners can report on what the sound is like from the eMac speakers. Are they the same speakers essentially as the external ones that come with the iMac?? Because the speakers are so close to the screen do you find that the sound ever distorts the picture? Last time I had a CRT I found that loud volumes would distort the image somewhat (OK I like my music loud!). Anyone care to offer an explanation as to why/how this happens because it didn't happen at low volumes, only when I cranked up my then beige Apple Powered speakers.


  • Reply 1 of 7
    beigeuserbeigeuser Posts: 371member
    They are decent speakers for regular use. At regular volumes, it will not distort the screen. The distortion happens because the speakers use magnetic fields to produce sound and the CRT uses magnetic fields to display the picture. When the two magnetic fields interfere, you get distortion. Normally, the two are properly shielded from each other so no distortion will occur. But when you really crank up the volume or place the speaker too close to the CRT, distortion will occur.

    For your use, I will buy good external speakers and place it away from the CRT.
  • Reply 2 of 7
    lucaluca Posts: 3,833member
    The eMac speakers will only be good when they're set to a low volume. As soon as your music gets medium-loud, they'll make the screen get all wavy. They're really only good if you have to move the eMac from place to place - in that case, having internal speakers is very nice so you don't have to haul your speakers around wherever you go. But if you want loud music, get a set of external speakers. I've heard good things about the Logitech Z-340s. Cheap, but good.
  • Reply 3 of 7
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member
    When an iSub is plugged in, bass is diverted to it. This means that the main speakers have less audible distortion, the monitor is less effected, and the internal amplifier has more power left to produce clear sound from the eMac's speakers. Refurb iSubs can be found for about $40(us). At this price, you can have an excellent sounding system (for a computer).
  • Reply 4 of 7
    lucaluca Posts: 3,833member
    Well, yes, an iSub would help, but the speakers are still inside the eMac and might still cause distortion. Has anyone actually tried this? I'm curious - normally I'd say just buy a $40 speaker set instead of a $40 iSub, but maybe it'll work fine.
  • Reply 5 of 7
    cam'roncam'ron Posts: 503member
    if u want to hear music semi-loud, they suck. there is no base either. u might as well go buy some decent 2.1 speakers.
  • Reply 6 of 7
    s.metcalfs.metcalf Posts: 985member
    OK, thanks for all the good advice!
  • Reply 7 of 7
    mmmpiemmmpie Posts: 628member
    I havent had any issues with the screen distortion that others have mentioned ( and Ive seen talked about elsewhere ). My suspicion is that poor quality control on the speakers causes this. Speakers are sheilded by placing a magnet on the back of the speaker that is inverse to the one in the speaker. If its not placed accurately, or is cheap, then you could get magnetic field leakage.

    While the specs on the speakers are nice, they dont fill the room like my old 2.1 yamahas did. I think adding a sub will really fill out the sound and make them much more satisfying. The iSub is nice because the low frequencies that get sent to the iSub are not sent to the emac speakers, allowing for more apparent volume from them.

    Finally, the speakers are offset from the case internally ( a few millimetres ). I think the reason for this is airflow, and the my gap is getting very furry ( dust ) after only a few weeks. I have read that putting a hole like this right in front of speakers 'short circuits' them, reducing their volume ( like a sort of inverse bass port ).

    Has anyone seen the screen waves in 2nd gen emacs? Or only 1st gen?
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