PB or PM?

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in General Discussion edited January 2014
I came to AppleInsider on a quest..A Quest to seek advice from fellow Mac Users..

ok...seriously now...I don't know if I should get a 17" PB or a Low-end G5....If I go for the G5, I will be waiting until WWDC for updates...hopefully to see an all dual-lineup. If I go for the PB...I will probably buy this weekend...I will be using apps like GB, iMovie, iPhoto, iDVD, PhotShop, iChat, office, and other typical stuff. I do NOT want my next computer to be sluggish, and it NEEDS to last me approx. 4 years....I don't NEED portability, and I don't NEED Power....

I would LIKE to be able to bring my most prized possession everywhere with me...since I have waited so long, and it is like the main part of my Life!

I would also LIKE to have ample power...No waiting around for stuff to happen......

Please give me some guidance o' super-mac people!


  • Reply 1 of 8
    lucaluca Posts: 3,833member
    If you NEED it to last four years, a PowerMac is the way to go. But I would suggest not getting the current low-end, because it is held back by the fewer RAM slots and the lack of PCI-X. It's not a BAD computer per se, but it's not that good either.

    I have a dual 450, originally released in mid-2000, that still runs great. Until about a month ago when I upgraded the processor, it only had RAM, hard drive, and video card upgrades, all of which are easy on any PowerMac.

    If you get a mid-range G5 (or a rev. 2 low-end G5), it will certainly last you four years. Just expect to bump up the RAM and hard drive space a bit, but that shouldn't be expensive. For example, my machine originally came with a 30 GB hard drive and 128 MB of RAM, and it now has two 80 GB hard drives and 960 MB of RAM.

    If you don't NEED portability than a PowerBook is not the way to go, because it is less powerful, more expensive, and not as expandable. Those tradeoffs are there because it's portable, but you shouldn't make them if you don't need portability. It's convenient, but unless you have a pressing need I'd say don't make the sacrifices.
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  • Reply 2 of 8
    quagmirequagmire Posts: 558member
    Why not get a Dual 2.0 Ghz G5. It is the same price as the 17 inch powerbook. I would hold off intill WWDC to see what powermacs come out. If the new high end G5 is still the same price get it for $2999. I would go for the dual 1.8 Ghz. The 17 inch powerbook is hard to move around about it is still has great portable use.
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  • Reply 3 of 8
    lucaluca Posts: 3,833member
    Also don't forget that you can get refurbished Macs for pretty cheap. Refurbished dual 1.8 GHz and dual 2.0 GHz PowerMacs are $1999 and $2399 respectively. If you wait until after the new G5s come out, you can probably get a previous generation dual 2.0 GHz for under $2000, either refurbished or from someone upgrading to the new top-of-the-line.

    I wonder if I'll ever buy a new Mac again, given the excellent pricing on older ones. Face it, four years from now, it won't matter much whether you have 1.8 GHz or 2.0 GHz.
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  • Reply 4 of 8
    REVISED: I can spend $3000 U.S. on a desktop.. I want a 20" or larger display...And I want a G5 based system.

    If Apple released an all-dual lineup and lowers prices on their displays, or puts the 20 at the bottom, I will get that...If not..What Should I do?
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  • Reply 5 of 8
    lucaluca Posts: 3,833member
    It really depends on the specs of what comes out. Assuming you wait until WWDC (and you should since it's almost guaranteed that there will be updates then), see what's available and make your decision.
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  • Reply 6 of 8
    REVISED: I can spend $3000 U.S. on a desktop.. I want a 20" or larger display...And I want a G5 based system.

    If Apple released an all-dual lineup and lowers prices on their displays, or puts the 20 at the bottom, I will get that...If not..What Should I do?
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  • Reply 7 of 8
    lucaluca Posts: 3,833member
    If not, get a refurbished or older model system. Right now it's $2000 for a refurb dual 1.8, and $1300 for a 20" cinema display. The 20" cinema should come way down for the next update - it should be $999 at the highest, I think. And it'll be soon, since the displays haven't been updated in over a year. You can also get a $1999 refurbished dual 1.8 GHz G5, but if you wait until the new PowerMac G5s come out, that price will drop at least $200, depending on the specs and prices of the new ones (maybe it'll drop $500, who knows?).

    So, a $1000 20" cinema display plus a dual 1.8 GHz G5 for probably $1500-$1800. You'll have just a little extra to use on upgrades, like RAM (which you will want more of) or a better video card (if you want to do any gaming).

    But we don't know what the update will bring. The new machines might be a great deal, or they might not be that good. If the low end is very good, you might buy a new one instead of an older model.
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  • Reply 8 of 8
    well that sounds great Luca, but I'm really aiming for a brand-new system....After all WWDC updates do you see any light?
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