Dreamweaver palettes keep disappearing...

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
anyone else get this problem? seems to happen mostly with the insert and properties palettes, the two most IMPORTANT palettes short of the sites palette. they just turn off between app launches, and i have to manually kick them on. that gets OLD.

this has happened on SEVERAL different computers, but i think they were all running panther, and i cannot recall this issue occurring under jaguar for any macromedia apps.

any help would be appreciated.


  • Reply 1 of 2
    1337_5l4xx0r1337_5l4xx0r Posts: 1,558member
    Yes, and goddamn, it's annoying!
  • Reply 2 of 2
    Never noticed this but for me it does behave a little odd also. Nothing major just little annoyances that after a while make me crazy. After first launching the program and I go to File-Open it doesn't do anything. I have to do it twice to get it to open a document. Not major just a pain.
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