Disgusted of UK



  • Reply 21 of 29
    johnqjohnq Posts: 2,763member

    Originally posted by Gilsch

    Ok. No kidding Sherlock. Duh to you for pointing out the uber obvious. No kidding, hence my point. It was controlled if not completely manipulated to look like there were actually crowds of everyday Iraqis cheering the troops on.I hope you get the parallels now. I really hope you do. I'm not surprised you bought into it. I never said those images were fake. The whole point, which you obviously missed since you had no clue about what was really behind those famous images, is that they were designed to portray something else. They were designed to look like the Iraqi crowds were out, dancing in the streets as the Saddam statue was being toppled. Wide angled pictures of the scene,which I recommend you look up on the web, show that there were no more than 70-100 people in the square(if that many at all)and that the square was completely cordoned off with tanks. A by invitation only event if you will. With most of the invitations apparently going to "Mr. Chalabis" clan.

    Why are you talking to me as if I am not leery of the exaggerated coverage of the statue toppling? What makes you think I don't know all of that already? Why do you think I bought into it and don't realize it was not as popular or spontaneous as it was spun?

    Because you presumed all of that. You saw me say one or two things that were not anti-Bush enough for your liking so therefore everything I say is now suspect and target for your sarcasm and insults.

    Way to win people over. And my "I'm voting for Kerry" bar gets lowered further still. Keep up the good work.
  • Reply 22 of 29
    gilschgilsch Posts: 1,995member

    Originally posted by johnq

    (Edit: nevermind. I misread your post)

    But that's just it. You'll swallow anything so long as it is detrimental to Bush Co. whereas I want facts to simply be facts and not ammunition to silence or mock one side over the other.

    Are you referring to the pictures I suggested you look at? Because if you are, let me just tell you they're from different press agencies. Unlike you, I actually look around and research a topic to make sure I know what I'm talking about. So get informed or SU. It's obvious it's you who'll swallow anything.


    You are using Ashcroftian logic. If I say "the Mirror pics are fakes" it is not equivalent to being pro-Bush. Only to the myopics among the Left.

    LMAO, here comes the Limbaugh rhetoric again. "The left", "the liberals", "the liberal media". It's just amazing how much you sound like Limbaugh while claiming not to be a Limbaugh fan. Just amazing.

    I'm a CENTRIST.

    Compared to you I'm a liberal. A member of "the left".

    This"keep-Bush-out-of-office-at-all-costs" shit is really unflattering to you guys

    "You guys"? You're either with us or against us? Another one with the hook, line and sinker problem. Oh well.
  • Reply 23 of 29
    johnqjohnq Posts: 2,763member

    Originally posted by Gilsch

    Are you referring to the pictures I suggested you look at? Because if you are, let me just tell you they're from different press agencies. Unlike you, I actually look around and research a topic to make sure I know what I'm talking about. So get informed or SU. It's obvious it's you who'll swallow anything.

    Why are you so insulting? Aren't your points "right" enough on their own?Besides, I never once, for one second took issue with the statue toppling pics, refrigginggardless of whatever agencies they came from. Moot.


    Originally posted by Gilsch

    LMAO, here comes the Limbaugh rhetoric again. "The left", "the liberals", "the liberal media". It's just amazing how much you sound like Limbaugh while claiming not to be a Limbaugh fan. Just amazing. Compared to you I'm a liberal. A member of "the left". "You guys"? You're either with us or against us? Another one with the hook, line and sinker problem. Oh well.

    Don't act like I coined the frigging phrase "the Left" etc.

    Whatever the anti-Bushers are called. Whatever you call yourself. Whatever ideals or groups you belong to. Tell me. Tell me what the officially sanction title is. Surely there is a label that can be used, akin to "Right" "Right-wing" "Conservative"?

    Don't be juvenile and play word games and pretend that we don't need loose labels for the sake of arguing a particular matter. This coy shit where the other side can't dare use a particular label to name the other side is infantile.

    Look at yourself. I dare take issue with the Mirror pics and suddenly I'm pro-Bush/pro-Limbaugh according to you. WTF. I never indicated that.

    Find a punching bag elsewhere. There's no shortage of right-wingers that think you're wrong, why drag me into it? The sheer list of assumptions you've made about me in 2 posts is staggering. You don't know me and won't ever if you keep up this trollish crap.
  • Reply 24 of 29
    johnqjohnq Posts: 2,763member

    You know what? You win.

    Grand prize is being the first person on my ignore list, ever.

    What's that buzzing sound? Must be a mosquito...
  • Reply 25 of 29
    sammi josammi jo Posts: 4,634member

    Originally posted by Scott

    Isn't it a little treasonous to fake and publish something like that?

    Nowhere near as treasonous as to publish fabricated BS like this


    to deliberately deceive the people and the world in order to start a war.

    Get your priorities in order.

  • Reply 26 of 29
    talksense101talksense101 Posts: 1,738member
    A good reason for such a scandal would be a pre-emptive strike on any authentic material that might come out later. Everything would now go through a scrutiny by different parties before being established as authentic material. This would give the military enough time to cover up things.

    That being said, you brits are worse off than the Americans when it comes to dealing with whistle-blowers. I still think what-is-name's suicide was staged. Also, firing people from the media makes helps to put fear into other media personel who have to choose between their careers and reporting the truth.
  • Reply 27 of 29
    johnqjohnq Posts: 2,763member

    I respect your views and more importantly, how you present them, which tends to be very reasonable (albeit your points might be infuriating. But that's debate for ya).

    And 1000 kudos for the above (3:56 AM) post, it shows an ocean of understanding and honesty on your part.

    Yes, I'm very much not a Bushie or a Limbaughgini. Funny, being a moderate, centrist, realist, nonpartisan person, (or strive to be anyway! It ain't easy!!) I tend to get pigeonholed into one or the other side (there being only ever two sides in this world today, it seems ).

    I've even been called a Bushie and a Liberal all in the same thread (elsewhere, MacFixIt if I recall correctly). LOL. Oh well.

    Yes, just ask, if one has questions about my views. Prolonged assuming get's ya on my ignore list.
  • Reply 28 of 29
    gilschgilsch Posts: 1,995member

    Originally posted by johnq

    Update:You know what? You win.

    Grand prize is being the first person on my ignore list, ever.

    What's that buzzing sound? Must be a mosquito...

    Nooooo...don't ignore me please!!! Hehe. BFD. What a crybaby. Go tell your mom too. Maybe she'll advice you not to be so sensitive...or such a ***** next time.

    I only mention this here because I used to be think johnq was a Bushie too - but then I discovered that this was nothing to do with what he said or did not say but more what I wanted to hear.

    I couldn't care less if someone was a "Bushie" or not. I address a person's posts, that's why I quote them.

    I've discovered in life, that most of the time, if it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it usually is a duck. This is too funny.
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