Frustration over poor Yahoo Mac support.

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in General Discussion edited January 2014
No this is not new, and I know it's the price we pay for being on a platform that carries little or no weight.

I'm frustrated at why stuff like Yahoo chat/messenger is leaps and bounds ahead on the PC version than it is for the Mac.

Had the chance to see and use the PC version and it blew me away.

Damn, I wish Jobs would go over to Yang and say, "lets bring it up to par for the mac".

I know Apple has put it's eggs with AOL, but I wonder how many millions would consider switching to Macs if more of the major messenger services are properly supported.


  • Reply 1 of 2
    mike peelmike peel Posts: 185member
    Personally, I just use Adium X or Fire. For voice, either MSN on the PC or (more often) iChat AV. No need for a Yahoo program at all.

    AOL? Bad...
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  • Reply 2 of 2
    kraig911kraig911 Posts: 912member
    I have a lot of friends on yahoo myself andn have often wondered the same thing. The chatroom feature would be nice to have in addition to the games. I personally don't like how one can log in invisibly as my friends will just IM me out of nowhere and I ask subsequently "where the f**k are you?"
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