Tiger: Bluetooth Login and ARD 2

in Mac Software edited January 2014
Bluetooth Login:

Pair your bluetooth phone with your Tiger user account, set your computer as "Discoverable" in the bluetooth preferences. When you come within, say, 2-5 feet of your Mac, it will automagically log you in to your account.

By extension, pair your account with a 4G bluetooth iPod and the "Home on iPod" feature that will be part of Tiger, and you just walk up, drop your iPod on the desk next to any Mac, and before you can sit down your home account is staring you right in the face. This may require more bandwidth than bluetooth, such as airport extreme (so it might require, say, a laptop rather than simply an iPod, or they could put airport and bluetooth into the iPod, though not as likely).

Apple Remote Desktop 2:

Rather than the cheap hack of VNC that is ARD 1.2, ARD 2 will bring us the remote encrypted viewing of our desktops or any other mac in real-time, with much better responsiveness, akin to X11 remote terminals. They've already got X11 ported, and the ARD basic infrastructure (though its implementation currently sucks). Now we just need the actions of the window server sent across the network and rendered on the local machine with Quartz Extreme (read: FAST) rather than every single pixel update sent as it is now (read: SLOW).

Combine both of these features:

Use your laptop as a full-featured system on the road.

Then, when you get home, your laptop home folder syncs to your desktop G5, logs you in, and remotely displays the G5 system wirelessly on your laptop. Your laptop is now a portable terminal of your desktop G5 within 30 feet and with excellent responsiveness. Resync to your laptop over Airport right before you leave and take your work with you again. The best of both worlds until we actually get a PB G5. Authentication is handled by bluetooth while data transfer is handled by Airport, and it's all automatic.

This is all pure speculation, but very possible and dare I say, probable for Apple to implement soon.


  • Reply 1 of 3
    chuckerchucker Posts: 5,089member
    1) is great.

    2) is a lot like my "Quartz Remote" idea (good luck trying to dig up that thread ). Except that you have that misconception that having ported X11 (they haven't, btw; X11 was ported to Darwin many years ago already, by John Carmack of id Software fame - they just extended it a little) gives them any further help in doing a network-transparent Quartz. It doesn't, because for one, they already had X11 licensed ever since A/UX was available in the early 90s, and second, X11 and Quartz have entirely different design.

    However, Quartz already *is* network-transparent - they just didn't implement it. It's probably more a matter of creating the proper clients to it.
  • Reply 2 of 3
    1) Is impossible because of the power requirements of running a wifi card from an iPod battery, and the insanity of the low bandwidth bluetooth.

    2) Was such a *tiny* market product that we won't get any such thing. Why overdevelop what does not sell? I haven't seen HyperCard or OpenDoc recently, have you?

    Thanks, but no thanks. Wait for a portable Apple PDA (ready sub sub notebook bordering on a newton) GASP, don't say NEWTON, ever! THEN rinse and repeat this thread (at least part 1) and tell me that my portable will become a desktop like a thin client as soon as I approach my own PC.

    Over and out.

  • Reply 3 of 3
    hymiehymie Posts: 34member

    Originally posted by Not Unlike Myself

    Thanks, but no thanks. Wait for a portable Apple PDA (ready sub sub notebook bordering on a newton) GASP, don't say NEWTON, ever! THEN rinse and repeat this thread (at least part 1) and tell me that my portable will become a desktop like a thin client as soon as I approach my own PC.

    The point is that additional hardware may cannabalize laptop sales. Besides, the screen would be too small for a full OS X experience. If they do it in software, everyone can use it and Apple gets a boost to their pricey laptop sales.
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