Coffee Drinkers
How many coffee freaks are amoung us?
Drink it once a day? more than once a day? once or twice a week? or coffee = yuck?
What are your favorite coffees and do you take it black or cream and or sugar?
I like coffee from Starbucks, Coffee Beanery, any rich blend is usually good.
I do add cream and sugar most of the time.
How bout u?
Drink it once a day? more than once a day? once or twice a week? or coffee = yuck?
What are your favorite coffees and do you take it black or cream and or sugar?
I like coffee from Starbucks, Coffee Beanery, any rich blend is usually good.
I do add cream and sugar most of the time.
How bout u?
when hot, as espresso, when ocld, as an americano.
with brown sugar. sometimes vanilla or cinnamon.
or as an other way, with almond / rice / soy milk/latte. no milk or artificial creamers.
i drink it to wake up, during the day, sometimes (as espresso) after meals .. 3-6 a day, 3-4 as normal.
When I brew my coffee sometimes I add unsweetened dutch cocoa powder or I'll roast some almond slivers and toss those in or I'll drop 1/2 of a split vanilla bean into the mix.
Usually though I go with regular coffee (nothing added) with cream and a little splenda.
If I use real sugar (which is rarely) I stick with sugar in the raw.
Originally posted by Giaguara
sometimes vanilla or cinnamon.
or as an other way, with almond / rice / soy milk/latte. no milk or artificial creamers.
cinnamon! Welcome to the club Gia! I add cinnamon to my coffee all the time.
Originally posted by faust9
If I use real sugar (which is rarely) I stick with sugar in the raw.
You bring up something very noteworthy
Sugar in the raw is the only sugar I like in my coffee. It is just the best!
black. strong. hot.
Milk/cream/sugar/etc are only used to disguise mediocre coffee
If you can see through it, it ain't coffee.
*pours another cup*
There is nothing quite like the unwarranted optimism of a coffee surge.
-Become ONE with the bean.
I drink coffee everymorning, anykind, normally straight up, but if its really bitter some milk, but never sugar.
expresso is really good too, perfect for when i have to work (on a farm) till 10 at night without dinner. grrrrr. those nights suck. but they provide an excuse to buy expensive expresso from the coffee shop.
i like green tea at night before going out, cause coffee is just too harsh at night. exept for nights when you have to write long papers
Tastes a lot like espresso, but takes far less time and requires almost no equipment to make. Just make sure to have to folks at the store grind it really fine.
Originally posted by Splinemodel
Turkish Coffee. . .
Tastes a lot like espresso, but takes far less time and requires almost no equipment to make. Just make sure to have to folks at the store grind it really fine.
Incredibly delicious. How would reproduce at home?
Originally posted by segovius
You need a brass/metal pot with handle - mix the coffee with a small amount water into a paste along with sugar (or else too bitter) and crushed cardamom. Cardamom is a must imo.
Then add more water to the paste, stirring till fully disolved and bring to the boil - now this is the secet of it: when it comes to the boil and nearly overflows, take it off the boil and let it cool down for a few minutes. Then boil it again till it rises and take off the boil/cool etc - do this three times to get the thickness/strong coffee effect - et voila !
Serve with water pipe....
That sounds about right. I usually eat breakfast while making the coffee, in the off chance that I'm actually having coffee for breakfast. You can get a turkish coffee pot for about $10 at most coffee shops or stores that sell coffee stuff.
On weekdays, I'll typically get a latte or a 16oz "Redeye" (their robust blend) at this local coffee shack in the morning. I call it a shack because its this tiny drive-thru thing. Usually its just the one drink in the morning, though sometimes we'll brew a pot of something typical (Folgers or whatever) and I'll nurse it all day.
Weekends I'll usually brew a half pot for myself (wife has one small cup) and drink that all morning. We've got some foo-foo Hazlenut stuff right now that I've been taking with cream and sugar. So very suzy compared the Redeye hehe.
When we do get over to starbucks the we've been hooked on the Caramel Macciattos (sp?). Pretty much like a latte but with just a bit of caramel flavor and sweetness. Not nearly as sweet as a Mocha which gets to be a bit much for me.
Unfortunately right now, I'm drinking a cup of black gunk. Was running late this morning and had to opt for the deli downstairs in our building. They really do have the worst coffee down there, but I was desperate.
Originally posted by segovius
What about coffee infused deserts ?
Tiramisu has got to be the all-time winner for me. Specially after a hangover - but then it is crammed full of alcohol too....
I don't like tiramisu. Tastes too creamy and turistic for me.