Who is paying Opera?
To day it was known that a "major american company" has payd Opera over $10.000.000 as a settlement over some legal issues. This doubbles the yearly outcome for this little company. Everybody is asking "Who was the settlement with?" , but the agreement is that Opera is not allowed to say. Maybe this gives an answer? http://people.opera.com/howcome/2003/2/msn/
The page is written by Operas technical director W. Lie, who accused Microsoft for shutting Opera users out of MSN in 2001. He says to Norwegian press to day that "...the settlement is not over piracy or patents..." so i think that Opera has just won a small battle over Microsoft
The page is written by Operas technical director W. Lie, who accused Microsoft for shutting Opera users out of MSN in 2001. He says to Norwegian press to day that "...the settlement is not over piracy or patents..." so i think that Opera has just won a small battle over Microsoft