The hits just keep on coming

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in General Discussion edited January 2014
Remember a couple of weeks (4-23-04) ago when Bush visited A factory in Canton Ohio and sang the praises of his economy? If you don't here's a transcript from the WH as a reminder. Well it seems that Timkin, Canton Ohio's biggest employer, is laying off 1300 people.


I'll add this to the Mission accomplished file.

Ohio has lost 155,000 jobs since Bush took office. The one time battle ground state that swung republican in 2000 is looking less and less like a Bush state.

So, if this company is laying off employees then why would Bush visit it anyway? Well oddly enough W.R. Timken, chairmen of the Timken bearing company, is a Ranger for Bush meaning he at least $200,000 for the reelection. Moreover, Timken has a PAC and is familiar with direct donations. Way to go Timken.

I just love Bush.

I'm feeling verklempt now so talk amongst yourselves. I'll give you a topic--the economy and job growth.


  • Reply 1 of 6
    scottscott Posts: 7,431member
    Manufacturing jobs have been leaving the US since the end of WWII but ... this is all Bush's fault?
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  • Reply 2 of 6
    faust9faust9 Posts: 1,335member

    Originally posted by Scott

    Manufacturing jobs have been leaving the US since the end of WWII but ... this is all Bush's fault?

    No, I didn't say it was Bushes fault; however touting your economic prowess at a company about to lay off 1300 is plain stupid. As stupid as the Mission Accomplished banner.
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  • Reply 3 of 6
    faust9faust9 Posts: 1,335member

    Originally posted by Scott

    Manufacturing jobs have been leaving the US since the end of WWII but ... this is all Bush's fault?

    Also, you should do some fact checking before posting off the wall figures. The manufacturing sector has been in decline since 1979, not WWII. Manufacturing saw a huge increase following WWII as we, the US, rebuilt the world. But the jobs lost in manufacturing have been replaced by job gains in other sectors. That hasn't happened in the last 3 years though. (30 google search)
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  • Reply 4 of 6
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member
    Of course, the decision whether to make the layoffs at the time is unknown and the decision to tell or not tell the Preseident and his staff is also a mystery. Well, I guess you can't accuse Bush of being a good luck charm anyway.
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  • Reply 5 of 6
    johnqjohnq Posts: 2,763member

    Pat Williams works right here for the Timken Company. She's a single mom. She's got the toughest job in America, being a single mom. (Laughter and applause.) She's got two children: Sheree is in college; Danielle is in high school. Under the plan I've just described and submitted to the United States Congress, her yearly tax bill would fall by nearly $1,000 -- every year. (Applause.) It's not $1,000 just this year. It's $1,000 every year. It's a thousand more dollars of her own money in her pocket. She says this, this will give me a little more breathing room so that I can assist my children as they go off and do better and bigger things. It's a beautiful statement by a mom who is working hard for her children.


    Can we all assume that if any Timken employee was spared her job it's Pat Williams? Surely Bush is smart enough to say "Hey, if you shitcan a bunch of employees anytime soon, g'head, but at least keep the people I named, so the Dems can't use my speech against me."

    Scary to contemplate what exactly Bush's mission is that he is accomplishing. Makes Clinton the traitor look relatively admirable.

    Looks like 2 more graduations the Bushes won't be attending!
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  • Reply 6 of 6
    faust9faust9 Posts: 1,335member

    Originally posted by johnq


    Can we all assume that if any Timken employee was spared her job it's Pat Williams? Surely Bush is smart enough to say "Hey, if you shitcan a bunch of employees anytime soon, g'head, but at least keep the people I named, so the Dems can't use my speech against me."

    Scary to contemplate what exactly Bush's mission is that he is accomplishing. Makes Clinton the traitor look relatively admirable.

    Looks like 2 more graduations the Bushes won't be attending!

    My question is how do federal tax cuts help those that loose their jobs like this? EIC maybe? What's that $118 max? When these people loose their jobs they wont see that alleged $1000. Heck they'll probably loose a like amount due to various state tax increases. So El Busharino you tell the world, the US and Canton Ohio how great these tax cuts are while your Ranger plots and schemes to move his labor force overseas.

    Good catch BTW. Too funny (in a sad ironic sorta fashion). Bush better pray to his god that Moveon doesn't dig up Miss Tillman, or any of these other unfortunates, for a 30 second rebuttal during American Idol.
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