ATI 9200 PC to Mac BIOS?

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
Does anyone know if this is possible, and the steps to do it [if it worked]?

To be more specific, I have a surplus ATI 9200SE [Sapphire] out of a PC [ATI linux drivers don't work well with it] and I see that there are Mac editions of the 9200. I would LOVE to be able to put this into my G4DA.

Any leads will be greatly appreciated.

Same goes for an ATI 7500 . . . some clarification: I came across a "Mac Radeon 9200" in pre-order status [ATI does not (yet?) list the product, so I'm not sure what that is]. However, ATI does list a Mac version of the 7500--I'd be happy with either.


  • Reply 1 of 2
    there was a thread a while ago on macnn about flashing a radeon 8500 with mac rom, dont remember the specifics of it, but it worked fine for me. something about putting the firmware update in the startup items of your os 9 folder, booting into os 9, letting the firmware update run by itself, wait until you're sure you hear no activity from the computer, and then reboot. im not certain this will work on the 9200, however
  • Reply 2 of 2
    Thanks for the tip.

    Here are links to the relevant forums:


    Top one is a lengthy thread in re doing this w/an 8500 [you can, at risk (different versions of the card)].

    2nd one is the same deal, w/instructions.

    3rd one is specific instructions on flashing a PC Radeon BIOS, and includes downloadable BIOSes for this.

    4th one is a link to a W32 based ATI BIOS editor.

    5th one is exactly the question I asked here.

    If these Mac-Ed ATIs were of reasonable cost, I'd buy one--even if it were still a chunk more than the PC version. But how can I consider spending US140$ [up to US407$] for a mac edition when I have a few surplus PC versions lying around. Especially in light of the fact that they would cost me US41$ and US262$, respectively.

    244% markup is a BIT much to ask.
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