New ITMS Requests

in Mac Software edited January 2014
this is taking a page from the "tiger 10.4 requests" page but oh well... now that we have a new version of the music player that we all love what do u want more.... i see three things that need to happen at the current moment.

1) the ability to actually listen to any given radio station you choose... at no cost

2) a better rating system...if i could give something 0.0,0.1,0.2,..till 4.9,5.0 it would be better.

3) rewards to users who have large amounts of people buying things from their iMixes... like every 20 songs bought from an iMix of yours you get a free download or something like that or you can save up and if you get 5000 songs sold u get a free all expenses paid iPod mini with accessories.



  • Reply 1 of 2
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    I wouldn't mind seeing half stars for ratings. That would help for those who really like to manage their files.

    I'd like the ability to add more Libraries. Say I want one library to contain files in only Apple Lossless. Then i'd like to be able to transcode files to another library.

    I'd like gapless playback

    I'd like to be able to denote bandwidth to Apple and receive points which could be redeemed for songs. Apple would be free to utilze my bandwidth where they seem fit.

    I'd like to see the Dave Matthews Band on iTMS. And other stragglers.

    I'd like to see an end to partial albums.

    I'd like to see "Apple Imports" a section where you can access International groups and pay the appropriate price for their tracks.

    I'd like to see hierarchical playlists.

    I'd like to see 5.1 songs added to the store.

    I'd like to experience more speed of the iTunes UI

    I'd like to be able to log into a DB and automatically add Album art to the files where it doesn't exist.

    I'd like to be able to listen succesively to 30 second snippits without having to manually click the "play" button.

    I'd like more album info displayed in the store with info like where you can see who's performed with who.
  • Reply 2 of 2
    ps5533ps5533 Posts: 476member

    Originally posted by hmurchison

    I wouldn't mind seeing half stars for ratings. That would help for those who really like to manage their files.

    I'd like to see the Dave Matthews Band on iTMS. And other stragglers.

    I'd like to see an end to partial albums.

    I'd like to see "Apple Imports" a section where you can access International groups and pay the appropriate price for their tracks.

    I'd like to be able to log into a DB and automatically add Album art to the files where it doesn't exist.

    I'd like more album info displayed in the store with info like where you can see who's performed with who.

    Agreed, although to some other things you said... there is gapless playback so you know
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