O'Franken getting higher ratings than the big fat idiot in NYC

in General Discussion edited January 2014

At least according to the industry's Arbitron system.

Combined with 6.5 million streaming listeners, Air America is the #1 of streamed audio online of any kind.

I remember when they first launched, some conservative members said there was no market for progressive talk radio and that Air Armerica would be plagued by poor rationgs, or worse yet, not survive.


  • Reply 1 of 70
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member

    Originally posted by Existence


    At least according to the industry's Arbitron system.

    Combined with 6.5 million streaming listeners, Air America is the #1 of streamed audio online of any kind.

    I remember when they first launched, some conservative members said there was no market for progressive talk radio and that Air Armerica would be plagued by poor rationgs, or worse yet, not survive.

    This is all based on what freankin said on the air, and Frankin would "never" strech the truth... after all he is so damnd creative that he had to rip his titleand catch phrases off of foxnews, like fox or hate em, what is so hard about creative originality for frankin?

    other factor:

    Is frankin combineing WLIB ota with WLIB on-line(the lib net stream), rush doesnt do that because wabc (the rush flagship) doesnt even stream it and if they did, it would be differant #s anyway because some of the OTA ads cant be streamed because of contract...wait first Air america has to sell ads before they worry about little things like that
  • Reply 2 of 70
    artman @_@artman @_@ Posts: 2,546member

    Originally posted by a_greer

    This is all based on what freankin said on the air, and Frankin would "never" strech the truth... after all he is so famnd creative that he had to rip his titleand catch phrases off of foxnews, like fox or hate em, what is so hard about creative originality for frankin?

    other factor:

    Is frankin combineing WLIB ota with WLIB on-line(the lib net stream), rush doesnt do that because wabc doesnt even stream it

    Good point. But fix your keyboard.

  • Reply 3 of 70
    kraig911kraig911 Posts: 912member
    hrmmm we buy arbitron and i didn't know they had a soundscan for online radio seems questionable to me \ sorry. i can't seem to find it.

    Also that being said who cares if 6.5 million people are listening to it and all the people who are don't have any money or disposable income for their advertisers products? Commercial Radio is about advertising first, content second.
  • Reply 4 of 70
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    Don't think it's the keyboard.


    This is all based on what freankin said on the air, and Frankin would "never" strech the truth... after all he is so damnd creative that he had to rip his titleand catch phrases off of foxnews, like fox or hate em, what is so hard about creative originality for frankin?

    other factor:

    Is frankin combineing WLIB ota with WLIB on-line(the lib net stream), rush doesnt do that because wabc (the rush flagship) doesnt even stream it and if they did, it would be differant #s anyway because some of the OTA ads cant be streamed because of contract...wait first Air america has to sell ads before they worry about little things like that

    Did you know Safari has a built-in Spell Checker?

    You're going to give Michaelm8000 a run for his money!

    And besides, maybe Franklin, I mean Frankin, I mean Franken, is using Faux News phrases to...make fun of them? Have you seen that little book he wrote about them a while back? A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right??
  • Reply 5 of 70
    wrong robotwrong robot Posts: 3,907member
    Even if Franken is stretching numbers(how? he's probably only reciting the good news the arbitron system gave him )

    But, let's assume he's "stretching", that would still put him right at the big fat idiot?'s heels, and he's only been broadcasting for a month.

    it doesn't matter what you think, that's impressive. Similar to iTunes selling more music in a week than all of it's competitors could do in 3 months.

    now, that aside, COMBINE the online streams, and again, an unprecedented amount of support for this station(not just franken here) is going down.
  • Reply 6 of 70
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member

    Originally posted by Aquatic

    Don't think it's the keyboard.

    Did you know Safari has a built-in Spell Checker?

    You're going to give Michaelm8000 a run for his money!

    And besides, maybe Franklin, I mean Frankin, I mean Franken, is using Faux News phrases to...make fun of them? Have you seen that little book he wrote about them a while back? A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right??

    I know about the book and get the point-What I was trying to ask is can he do any humor that is not a direct copy of something from fox or limbaugh? the closest he has come to being funny was reading that john kery ad this teusday, I laughed my self silly untill he read the "long version" the catwoman outfit with the whip was funny, but the guy takeing a dump and leaving? wtf?? with that 5 minutes of great satire was trashed.
  • Reply 7 of 70
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member

    Originally posted by Wrong Robot

    Even if Franken is stretching numbers(how? he's probably only reciting the good news the arbitron system gave him )

    But, let's assume he's "stretching", that would still put him right at the big fat idiot?'s heels, and he's only been broadcasting for a month.

    it doesn't matter what you think, that's impressive. Similar to iTunes selling more music in a week than all of it's competitors could do in 3 months.

    now, that aside, COMBINE the online streams, and again, an unprecedented amount of support for this station(not just franken here) is going down.

    What about the fact that rush is on 600 stations and frankin is on like 9, most in very liberal areas, sans Chicago, he can't get on in a conservative market, and the network reportedly has to make bad checks to stay live in Chi-town.

    beleve me, if he realy had what it takes to beat limbaugh, he could get on with any major syndicate, every talk station lib or conservative, in a market where rush is on, gets stomped fom noon to 3 if he is on the other station, I beleve that arbatron would agree.
  • Reply 8 of 70
    wrong robotwrong robot Posts: 3,907member

    Originally posted by a_greer

    What about the fact that rush is on 600 stations and frankin is on like 9, most in very liberal areas, sans Chicago, he can't get on in a conservative market, and the network reportedly has to make bad checks to stay live in Chi-town.

    beleve me, if he realy had what it takes to beat limbaugh, he could get on with any major syndicate, every talk station lib or conservative, in a market where rush is on, gets stomped fom noon to 3 if he is on the other station, I beleve that arbatron would agree.

    How long has rush been around on the radio, how long has franken been around?
  • Reply 9 of 70
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member

    Originally posted by Wrong Robot

    How long has rush been around on the radio, how long has franken been around?

    This is nothing more than a blip on the radar, I will take it seriously when they get on a station that I can pick up in the intellectual wasteland that is mid-north Indiana, I listen to WLS (Chicago) W???,(some station I get at night from Nashville), wabc(yes, I get NY radio late at night 11:30 pm to ~3 am) and tons of other stations from Missouri to Ohio and even Pennsylvania, yet I can never lock on to an OTA feed of Air (I don?t know what part of)America
  • Reply 10 of 70
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member
    Do they have no shame?

    a desperate grab for money.


    Rush may sell shirts and golf balls, but at least he leaves the undies up to the listener...
  • Reply 11 of 70
    wrong robotwrong robot Posts: 3,907member

    Originally posted by a_greer

    Do they have no shame?

    a desperate grab for money.


    Rush may sell shirts and golf balls, but at least he leaves the undies up to the listener...

    More like a grab for humor. \
  • Reply 12 of 70
    faust9faust9 Posts: 1,335member

    Originally posted by a_greer

    This is all based on what freankin said on the air, and Frankin would "never" strech the truth... after all he is so damnd creative that he had to rip his titleand catch phrases off of foxnews, like fox or hate em, what is so hard about creative originality for frankin?

    other factor:

    Is frankin combineing WLIB ota with WLIB on-line(the lib net stream), rush doesnt do that because wabc (the rush flagship) doesnt even stream it and if they did, it would be differant #s anyway because some of the OTA ads cant be streamed because of contract...wait first Air america has to sell ads before they worry about little things like that


    Franken factors in younger listeners

    Air America radio network does well among group that advertisers covet

    By John Cook

    Tribune staff reporter

    Published May 27, 2004

    Despite ongoing financial woes, Air America Radio appears to have garnered a significant audience during its first month on the air, particularly among the younger listeners sought by advertisers.

    An analysis of recently released figures from Arbitron, the radio ratings service, showed that in New York Air America beat Rush Limbaugh's station among 25-to-54-year-olds during the period that Limbaugh and Al Franken, the host of the flagship show "The O'Franken Factor," go head-to-head.

    In Chicago, even though the network was available for only 28 days in April, Air America increased the average share of 25-to-54-year-old listeners on WNTD-950 AM from a 0.1 percent share in February to a 2 percent share in April.

    Air America was pulled off WNTD-950 AM due to a billing dispute. The network is seeking a new home in Chicago.

    "We're actually doing very well despite everything we've managed to do to ourselves," Franken said on Saturday in an address to the Talkers Magazine New Media Seminar in New York.

    He was referring to the network's failure to meet payroll earlier this month and the departure of no fewer than six key executives in its first eight weeks on the air.

    "If this is how we're doing now, imagine what things will be like when we actually know what we're doing," Franken said.

    The April audience estimates, which are the first data indicating whether or not Air America's brand of liberal talk radio can find an audience, come from a third-party analysis of Arbitron data, called "extrapolations."

    Insiders cautioned that, while it is standard to use extrapolations as a guide to the performance of a station, they are preliminary and prone to a certain margin of error.

    "They're like a second-inning score in a baseball game," said Tom Taylor, the editor of Inside Radio, a trade publication. "But you have to say that the visitors are on the scoreboard."

    From 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., a period that includes Franken's show, WNTD pulled in 3 percent of 25-to-54-year-old listeners in Chicago. That number puts the fledgling network in the same league as WGN-720 AM, which scored a 2.1 percent share of the same demographic, according to the extrapolation of April figures. WLS-890 AM, which airs Rush Limbaugh during the same period, beat WNTD with a 4.8 share.

    But in New York, where Air America still broadcasts over WLIB-1190 AM, the network beat Limbaugh's station, Disney-owned WABC, among both 25-to-54-year-olds and 18-to-34-year-olds during the 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. period. In the 25-to-54 demographic, WLIB garnered a 3.4 share to WABC's 3.1; among 18-to-34-year-olds, WLIB won sevenfold with a 2.9 share to WABC's 0.4.


    It toook two and a half minute to find this off of Google News(note the conservative paper BTW).

    They have the numbers, they have the demographic, they have the thongs what more could an advertiser or a bleeding heart die hard SNL fan want?

    [edit] argh!!! someday I'll learn to type!!!
  • Reply 13 of 70
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member

    Originally posted by Wrong Robot

    More like a grab for humor. \

    so they sell tacky underpants, that is cute and funny, then you turn 8...suddenly the super hero undies loose their charm (or they just have built bo skid marks...)

    eurica!!! the next million $ idea for the boys at AA

    Air America diapers to catch O'Frankins crap
  • Reply 14 of 70
    wrong robotwrong robot Posts: 3,907member

    Originally posted by a_greer

    so they sell tacky underpants, that is cute and funny, then you turn 8..

    happy birthday
  • Reply 15 of 70
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by Wrong Robot

    Even if Franken is stretching numbers(how? he's probably only reciting the good news the arbitron system gave him )

    But, let's assume he's "stretching", that would still put him right at the big fat idiot?'s heels, and he's only been broadcasting for a month.

    it doesn't matter what you think, that's impressive. Similar to iTunes selling more music in a week than all of it's competitors could do in 3 months.

    now, that aside, COMBINE the online streams, and again, an unprecedented amount of support for this station(not just franken here) is going down.

    First Franken is stretching the numbers quite a bit. Franken and Rush are both on from 12-3 pm so this includes two hours neither one of them are on the air. It could say something about Unfiltered vs. the lead in for Rush in New York as well.

    But claiming a win among one demographic group is simply a way to ignore the overall numbers. It's misleading because Franken's overall listenership is lower but higher among one select group. Younger people tend to be more liberal. It wouldn't surprise me at all if Franken did better with them. Let them get married, buy a home and a car and suddenly they are Rush Limbaugh listeners.

    Your analogy about the iTunes music store couldn't be more wrong. iTunes, as you mentioned sold more than all other competitors combined. Al didn't even beat Rush in total numbers let Rush and all other stations as well.

    To make this analogy better it would be like Real claiming they beat Apple because they managed to sell more trance music in one week than Apple did. Then adding, trance music is very popular with young people who are a key advertising demographic.

    I think AirAmerica will stay on the air. I do think they will make money and be profitable. However I think they will stay in business much like how Apple stays in business. They will be the sole provider of an alternative. It will probably even give them disproportionately mindshare. Much like how people crow about Apple being 3-4% of the market and being in the top ten computer makers on the planet it is quickly pointed out that they are the only provider and thus, 95% of the market is NOT Mac. (I wish that would change)

    For example in LA, the number one radio station for a long time has been a SPANISH station. However there are a lot more English stations and the majority of the large Spanish population listens to that one station. So it is number one. Does that mean that all the English stations are going down? No it means they divide up a larger pie into smaller pieces since there are more of them. The same is true with these radio numbers. If someone doesn't like Rush they can listen to Imus, O'Reilly, probably Dr. Laura or someone else. If someone wants liberal radio and doesn't like Franken, who do they listen to?

    I believe that AirAmerica will have it's slice of the pie, but that doesn't mean it is a large slice.

  • Reply 16 of 70
    faust9faust9 Posts: 1,335member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    First Franken is stretching the numbers quite a bit. Franken and Rush are both on from 12-3 pm so this includes two hours neither one of them are on the air. It could say something about Unfiltered vs. the lead in for Rush in New York as well.

    But claiming a win among one demographic group is simply a way to ignore the overall numbers. It's misleading because Franken's overall listenership is lower but higher among one select group. Younger people tend to be more liberal. It wouldn't surprise me at all if Franken did better with them. Let them get married, buy a home and a car and suddenly they are Rush Limbaugh listeners.

    Your analogy about the iTunes music store couldn't be more wrong. iTunes, as you mentioned sold more than all other competitors combined. Al didn't even beat Rush in total numbers let Rush and all other stations as well.

    To make this analogy better it would be like Real claiming they beat Apple because they managed to sell more trance music in one week than Apple did. Then adding, trance music is very popular with young people who are a key advertising demographic.

    I think AirAmerica will stay on the air. I do think they will make money and be profitable. However I think they will stay in business much like how Apple stays in business. They will be the sole provider of an alternative. It will probably even give them disproportionately mindshare. Much like how people crow about Apple being 3-4% of the market and being in the top ten computer makers on the planet it is quickly pointed out that they are the only provider and thus, 95% of the market is NOT Mac. (I wish that would change)

    For example in LA, the number one radio station for a long time has been a SPANISH station. However there are a lot more English stations and the majority of the large Spanish population listens to that one station. So it is number one. Does that mean that all the English stations are going down? No it means they divide up a larger pie into smaller pieces since there are more of them. The same is true with these radio numbers. If someone doesn't like Rush they can listen to Imus, O'Reilly, probably Dr. Laura or someone else. If someone wants liberal radio and doesn't like Franken, who do they listen to?

    I believe that AirAmerica will have it's slice of the pie, but that doesn't mean it is a large slice.


    Here I'll repost a cut from the Chicago Tribune article I posted above.


    But in New York, where Air America still broadcasts over WLIB-1190 AM, the network beat Limbaugh's station, Disney-owned WABC, among both 25-to-54-year-olds and 18-to-34-year-olds during the 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. period. In the 25-to-54 demographic, WLIB garnered a 3.4 share to WABC's 3.1; among 18-to-34-year-olds, WLIB won sevenfold with a 2.9 share to WABC's 0.4.

    Notice the age demographic: 18-54. Overall this demographic prefers Liberal media--go figure NY NY is a liberal city.

    Here's another repost.


    From 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., a period that includes Franken's show, WNTD pulled in 3 percent of 25-to-54-year-old listeners in Chicago. That number puts the fledgling network in the same league as WGN-720 AM, which scored a 2.1 percent share of the same demographic, according to the extrapolation of April figures. WLS-890 AM, which airs Rush Limbaugh during the same period, beat WNTD with a 4.8 share.

    Chicage is several fold more conservative than NY NY yet liberal media has pulled a fair listenership.

    They've shown they can draw listeners. The ads will follow. Madison ave is not stupid. There is an "untapped market" which happens to be crazy liberal media junkies. Ads=revenue thus more opportunity to expand to more markets to get more ads to expand to get more...

    Another point one should consider is Frankens numbers will probably aloow his show to get syndicated.
  • Reply 17 of 70
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by faust9

    Here I'll repost a cut from the Chicago Tribune article I posted above.

    Notice the age demographic: 18-54. Overall this demographic prefers Liberal media--go figure NY NY is a liberal city.

    Here's another repost.

    Chicage is several fold more conservative than NY NY yet liberal media has pulled a fair listenership.

    They've shown they can draw listeners. The ads will follow. Madison ave is not stupid. There is an "untapped market" which happens to be crazy liberal media junkies. Ads=revenue thus more opportunity to expand to more markets to get more ads to expand to get more...

    Another point one should consider is Frankens numbers will probably aloow his show to get syndicated.

    You make some good points. As I said, I think AirAmerica will be successful. Franken probably will get syndicated, but if he had more liberal competition, I think he wouldn't do as well. His form of satire is particularly hateful and there are others who do it better. But I guess they end up on television instead of on radio (Real Time/Daily Show for example.)

    It would be very interesting to see how Franken does in say, Nashville vs Rush Limbaugh.

  • Reply 18 of 70
    existenceexistence Posts: 991member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    Younger people tend to be more liberal. It wouldn't surprise me at all if Franken did better with them. Let them get married, buy a home and a car and suddenly they are Rush Limbaugh listeners.

    That is laughable.
  • Reply 19 of 70
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member

    Originally posted by Existence

    That is laughable.

    What's laughable is that you don't see it's true.
  • Reply 20 of 70
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member
    OK. Trying to paint these numbers as positive for Air America is really pathetic. Air America cannot and will not succeed. There ISN'T a market for liberal radio, because the vast majority of the electorate rejects liberalism. That doesn't mean their "conservatives" or Bush-lovers either, but liberalism has become curse word in politics. Modern liberals run as moderates, because...hello....that's how they can get elected.

    Secondly, Air America is on....wait for it...NINE radio staions. Rush Limbaugh is on 600, as someone else correctly pointed out. Rush's audience is 20 million listeners per day. Pointing out one demographic area in one city (a decidedly liberal one too) is a joke.

    Thirdly, the numbers themselves are a bit flawed. The ratings number compares STATIONS from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. From the link.


    ...there are no numbers specifically for noon-3pm, when Franken's on.

    Think about this. Let's say ABC-NY beats NBC-NY in one demogaphic group (and only in NY) from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Someone then concludes that because, say, "Friends" is on at the same time as say, "My Wife and Kids", (8:30 p.m. for the sake of argument), that "My Wife and Kids" beats friends.

    Even the source of this information is flawed. It's a goddamn liberal BLOG. Worse still, it quotes Franken's quote...which is dubious itself. 6.5 million unique streaming listeners? I'd like some documentation on that.


    Edit: I'd also like to point out that Air America is BUYING radio time, whereas Rush and Hannity are supported by vast ad revenue (which is the motivation for their local affiliates to carry them). If all the reasons Bore America will fail, that's the main one. It simply not profitable.

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