The Quirky and Unexpected

in General Discussion edited January 2014

The quirky and unexpected. Life's little oddball moments that you never saw coming. Weird coincidences, the Twilight Zone, whatever.

If you can't think of any real ones, make 'em up. I don't mind.

Most of my best ones aren't fit for public consumption (awww) but this one'll do to kick things off.

Christmas Eve 1980....I'm visiting my brother who's living in the States. We're in DC and have been out to dinner in Georgetown. We get back to the car which is parked in a side street to discover we've been PARKED IN. The car behind's bumper is touching ours and there's about 2 inches between us and the car in front.

In what can only be described as an act of supreme optimism, we try backing the car back and forth before finally accepting we'd have to do this about 50 gadzillion times to have any effect at all.

So then we wander off, find a cop and put on our best dumb Australian routine. No dice. "There's no cranes working until Boxing Day" (cranes?!).

We walk back to the car and are standing there staring at it considering our rather limited options, when suddenly there's a shout from the doorway of a bar across the road:

"It's OK! We'll help you! We're marines!"

At which point 4 massive guys come charging across the road. Two of them get on either side of the car and LIFT it up off the ground and out into the roadway.

Bro' and I are now just about down on our knees in a state of worship and adoration. The marines merely wave us a fond farewell, wish us a very merry Christmas and disappear into the night as quickly as they came.

Always warms the cockles of my little heart whenever I think about it. One of those experiences that leaves me thinking human beans aren't such a bad species after all.

So give me your weird, your strange, your WTF moments yearning to breathe free.


  • Reply 1 of 8
    jimdreamworxjimdreamworx Posts: 1,096member
    Driving in a friend's car. We just got in, he started it, and the radio wasn't working. We stopped, he turned it off, we got out to do our thing, back in the car, started it up, and the radio started working. The song playing on the radio had the lyric:

    "... there must be a bad connection..."

  • Reply 2 of 8
    playmakerplaymaker Posts: 511member
    I dont know if this is suitable but I have this Exgirlfriend from college who has always stayed in touch... but at the wierdest times and under the wierdest circumstances.

    I recently went nearly 10 months without talking to her and decided to send her an email. I was halfway through the email when she pops up on my IM screen telling me she felt bad that she hasnt been in touch lately. 2 years ago I was talking to my sister and somehow brought up Kristin's name within 2 minutes she called my phone to chat. This does'nt sound all that strange until I tell you that she now lives over 800 miles away (I met her while I was in college in Missouri) and I do not talk to her but a few times a year. These are examples of something that has happened at least a dozen times with her.

    When we were dating she had this really erie way of being able to tell me exactly what I was thinking, which enevitably freaked me out enough to break off the relationship. I've never met anyone like her. It was really scarey (believe me I understand how unlikely this sounds)
  • Reply 3 of 8
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member
    I saw a ghost.

    My friend standing next to me saw the same ghosts.

    One characteristic at a time we described it to each other.

    Each time he said "I see..." I had already seen what he was describing, but hadn't mentioned it. Evertime I said "I see..." he too had seen it already. After going back and forth several times we looked at each other and realized it wasn't a coincidence. Looking at each other and looking back out we still could see them.

    Very very weird. Definitely transparent. Definitely something that had I seen alone I would have brushed off as my imagination.
  • Reply 4 of 8
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    I had a girlfriend whose mind I could read.

    As in: We played "enigma" once (that game where you put colored pegs in a certain order and your opponent tries to figure it out) and first try I did, like, "black, white, white, yellow, red" which was right and which pissed her off mightily.

    But not as much as the time we were on a long drive playing "20 questions" and when it was her turn to pick something I though at her, as hard as I could, "pick swimming pool, pick swimming pool", which of course she did, so when I got it on my first guess she freaked.

    Hmmm..... maybe I didn't so much read here mind as control it...

    Probably why she's not my girlfriend anymore.
  • Reply 5 of 8
    craiger77craiger77 Posts: 133member
    Hey Mate,

    As about 99.999% of the US population would think of Boxing Day as some sort of tribute to the likes of Mohammad Ali and George Foreman rather than the day after Christmas you might want to reremember that dialog from the DC cops.
  • Reply 6 of 8
    Have ye's ever heard tell o' Black Breeks McBrochan, the phantom piper o' Brigadoon and spectral guardian o' the Standing Stones o' Snizort? The very sight o' his name is said tae bring misfortune, pestilence, bankruptcy and turnip blight.

    Onyway - only a week efter reading his name in the book "Black Breeks McBrochan, the phantom piper o' Brigadoon and spectral guardian o' the Standing Stones o' Snizort" the hard disk in my iBook started running awfy slowly and taking several generations o' men tae launch applications or manipulate photies in iPhoto. (Jamie ur ye there? Need advice oan this!). Surely this is mare than jist coincidence and I wid urge ye's a' never, ever tae read the name... Black Breeks McBrochan (the phantom piper o' Brigadoon and spectral guardian o' the Standing Stones o' Snizort, etc, etc).

    Yours as ever....

    Sir Mac, etc, etc.
  • Reply 7 of 8
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    turnip blight... classic
  • Reply 8 of 8
    playmakerplaymaker Posts: 511member

    Originally posted by Sir Mac o' the Isles

    Have ye's ever heard tell o' Black Breeks McBrochan, the phantom piper o' Brigadoon and spectral guardian o' the Standing Stones o' Snizort? The very sight o' his name is said tae bring misfortune, pestilence, bankruptcy and turnip blight.

    Onyway - only a week efter reading his name in the book "Black Breeks McBrochan, the phantom piper o' Brigadoon and spectral guardian o' the Standing Stones o' Snizort" the hard disk in my iBook started running awfy slowly and taking several generations o' men tae launch applications or manipulate photies in iPhoto. (Jamie ur ye there? Need advice oan this!). Surely this is mare than jist coincidence and I wid urge ye's a' never, ever tae read the name... Black Breeks McBrochan (the phantom piper o' Brigadoon and spectral guardian o' the Standing Stones o' Snizort, etc, etc).

    Yours as ever....

    Sir Mac, etc, etc.

    I'm laughing, and yet I'm not quite sure what I just read.
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