Mac Integrity

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
MacIntosh Integrity

I have to say that ever Using that first Macintosh Computer the Personal PC up to the G4 I own now. There are constant problems with Memory allocation and Data integrity when running graphic applications, which is about the only reason I even own a mac.

So why is it that there are so many pitfalls when it comes to using the Most powerful macs as a creative tool in the video and graphics arena. Why can't you guys simply get it right before you release it!

I swear you should give me a G5 for all the MaCinCrap I've had to deal with in the past 4 years alone. Including one of my favorite Mac typical problem releasing a dual processor computer before an operating system that actually uses both processors is released! Ie: Me buying a Dual 500mhz G4 with OS 9 only to find out that it was only utlizing one of the processors the whole time. This I find out two years later!

Or buying the DVD RAM Drive recommended and then not being able to Use any Mac DVD authoring Software with it! Come On!

How much harder can you make things for those of us who pretty much beta test your latest and greatest only to find out that we should have waited a few years to buy an older, yet more stable system.

And yet the latest problem that has put so much data at risk is the Problem Panther has with Lacie hard drives or any external fire wire hard drives above 120 Gigs! I even had 10.3.4 loaded and the firmware updated and my internal Hard drives Catalog Trees got screwed up and get screwed up every time I try to repair the Lacie FW 400 EXT Hard Drive in the Disk Utility, which I can't even do because I get an error (-9972) which doesn't even allow the volume to be repaired. And no I didn't suddenly unplug the drive!

When will Steve 2 Jobs get these seemingly small "bugs" fixed so that those of us who depend on Macs for a livelyhood don't spend entire days and sometimes the better part of a week troubleshooting problems that should have been shot down before they were passed along to the public.




  • Reply 1 of 11
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,435member
    1. Wrong forum. This is for future Macintosh Hardware only.

    2. Don't spam the fora. One topic One Forum. Thanks for your co-operation.

  • Reply 2 of 11
    ensign pulverensign pulver Posts: 1,193member
    Dude, did you get a discount on random capital letters or something?

    Lock this be-otch now!
  • Reply 3 of 11
    No DUDE!
  • Reply 4 of 11
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,435member

    Originally posted by Ensign Pulver

    Dude, did you get a discount on random capital letters or something?

    Lock this be-otch now!

    Costco EP....bought'em in BuLk LOL. I know bad habit. My English Prof chided me for my uneeded capitalizations. Old habits die hard.
  • Reply 5 of 11
    aemvaemv Posts: 11member
    If you hate Macs so much go get a PC..i hear they have a great Operating system were you need to download all the drivers for any hardware you install, and those great pop-up things while surfing the web, oh man those are awesome!!! not to mention the amazing library of viruses available for Windows! FREE!! man oh and calibration! i just love spending weeks calibrating a my monitor to the printer on a great..i mean..why have a computer that is already perfectly calibrated? wabout that amazing User interface in Windows..that one is great too!!

    OH and FLOPPYS!! 1.4 MB!!!! WOW!! MACs dont have that! they must suck! i mean.. 1.4MB!!!! you must need one of those..PCs have it.

    Oh and the amazing Design of PCs...thats were they really shine....beatifull DULL black colors...or cheap aluminum because thats so much better than the Aircraft Grade Aluminum used on mac..

    And why do we need Garage Band, Final Cut iChat and DVD studio when they are the best? I mean you can get low quality software on the PC that wont work nearly as well..that must be cool too!

    DUDE! do your research before buying something. Mac may not be perfect but they sure are a hell of a lot better than PCs.
  • Reply 6 of 11
    leonardleonard Posts: 528member
    Don't feed the un-informed troll...
  • Reply 7 of 11
    Thanks for all your support and careful reading of my post CAPS excluded!

    Anyway, I shouldn't have vented in such a mac-friendly forum.

    I own two macs and two pcs and prefer Macs by far in most cases except when in comes to crashing. PC's are far more reliable in this respect.

    That's that.

    Most High end Graphic work stations are "NOT" MacIntosh. Why because they crash too much.

    I don't mean to bash macs, you guys are right to love them for all the advantages they have over the PC but Data intergrity for the Video Community should have a higher priority than cool looking interface.

    I use both and both PC and Mac have there advantages but I'm getting tired of these two party systems.

    Mac has greater control over the OS and the apps that interface with it, that is why I am so dissatisfied with there lack of attention to detail in some of the most critical areas when working with video files and large volumes of data.

    Hope there is someone out there who knows what I'm talking about and isn't just whacking off to there GUI
  • Reply 8 of 11
    safarixsafarix Posts: 18member

    Originally posted by Macanthrope: )

    MacIntosh Integrity

    I have to say that ever Using that first Macintosh Computer the Personal PC up to the G4 I own now. There are constant problems with Memory allocation and Data integrity when running graphic applications, which is about the only reason I even own a mac.

    So why is it that there are so many pitfalls when it comes to using the Most powerful macs as a creative tool in the video and graphics arena. Why can't you guys simply get it right before you release it!

    I swear you should give me a G5 for all the MaCinCrap I've had to deal with in the past 4 years alone. Including one of my favorite Mac typical problem releasing a dual processor computer before an operating system that actually uses both processors is released! Ie: Me buying a Dual 500mhz G4 with OS 9 only to find out that it was only utlizing one of the processors the whole time. This I find out two years later!

    Or buying the DVD RAM Drive recommended and then not being able to Use any Mac DVD authoring Software with it! Come On!

    How much harder can you make things for those of us who pretty much beta test your latest and greatest only to find out that we should have waited a few years to buy an older, yet more stable system.

    And yet the latest problem that has put so much data at risk is the Problem Panther has with Lacie hard drives or any external fire wire hard drives above 120 Gigs! I even had 10.3.4 loaded and the firmware updated and my internal Hard drives Catalog Trees got screwed up and get screwed up every time I try to repair the Lacie FW 400 EXT Hard Drive in the Disk Utility, which I can't even do because I get an error (-9972) which doesn't even allow the volume to be repaired. And no I didn't suddenly unplug the drive!

    When will Steve 2 Jobs get these seemingly small "bugs" fixed so that those of us who depend on Macs for a livelyhood don't spend entire days and sometimes the better part of a week troubleshooting problems that should have been shot down before they were passed along to the public.



    The issues that you present are old, resolved issues. DVD-RAM? This was never anticipated to be a widely accepted format, even when it was introduced. OS X stability? This is equally on par with Windows 2000 and Windows XP. I know this first hand, as I manage a web design business that exposes me to both first hand.

    You could have researched first hand that *Adobe* was responsible for the lack of full dual processor support in OS 9 along with Apple. It was never even suggested that all of the productivity apps or OS (9) supported duals fully. Most high end users have a more in depth understanding of what hardware is needed for what application. I would be willing to wager that most design-firms were aware of the limited dual-CPU support.

    Utilizing innane nicknames like "Macincrap" only lowers you to the intelligence of a 16 year old or so. Given your writing style and methods of presenting your argument, I'm willing to bet you are roughly this age. You are right, however, that a large part of the digital media industry does indeed utilize PC's.

    It just bothers me that you are bringing up issues that relate to a dead operating system and a 3 year old machine. Most people would be discredited instantly on Anandtech or similar sites for complaining they didnt understand why they didnt have some functionality with their p3 550 and Windows 98SE.

    Have you considered the ridiculous security issues that plague Windows? The user interface inconsistencies? I use both all day long, and there is no question why I continue to pay a premium to use a more elegant product like the Mac. Interoperability, refinement and elegance. If you haven't compared Panther on a more recent PowerMac to a P4/Athlon XP with Windows XP Pro, then your argument is fallacious.
  • Reply 9 of 11
    ensign pulverensign pulver Posts: 1,193member
    Please, Please, PLEASE, lock this thing NOW!!!
  • Reply 10 of 11
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member
    What the hell, I haven't fed a troll in a while.

    I tried Several times to type Up an appropriate POST in response to this Shitty thread, but no matter how hard I tried, nothing I came up with compared to The succinctness and WICKED AWESOMENESS of this pic:

    Yours truly,

  • Reply 11 of 11
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member
    Locked as off-topic and redundant.

    Please don't spam the forums.
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