I'm lovin it (confessions of a switcher)

in General Discussion edited January 2014
So, its been 6 months since making the switch and I'm lovin it (cue the music). I can't believe it took me this long to switch. As long as Steve Jobs is running Apple, I ain't going back. By the way, I picked up a 17inch iMac, with 768 RAM and Bluetooth. I'm also gonna pick up a iPod mini when it arrive here in Canada in July - can't wait. I will now go forward and preach the benefits of Apple. I've already switched one person at work and have two others considering making the switch. Apple rocks. Apple 4 Life.


  • Reply 1 of 9
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    Tree that's great to hear.

    I the difference between Wintel and Macs on the surface doesn't look big. You always hear the infamous "What can I do on a Mac that I can't do on a PC" but these people fail to see what's important. The "ease" of doing something. My PCs just feel soulless. I'm so ready to grab a new G5 based Mac. I'm just waiting and saving.
  • Reply 2 of 9
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Yeah, it goes a bit below the surface of simply "what CAN'T I do on a PC (or Mac) that I can do on a Mac (or PC)".

    I'm sure, these days, probably not much. But it's definitely the journey. I don't think it's any accident that Microsoft and others have seemed to jump on the whole digital music/photo/video "hub-wagon", when Apple - and Apple alone - has shown, for nearly four years, that it is indeed possible for regular people and non-professionals to work with this stuff.

    And to this day, I don't think there's a consumer-oriented solution on the PC sides that's as easy-to-use and headache-free as iLife '04 and .Mac. So many people just want to post photos of their family reunion or new grandson online, but after spending some time with friends and family members using PCs, it's never easy. Different, third-party apps - most half-ass and quite cheesy - and they just seem to take you a long way 'round the bend to do most everything.

    The best advertisement for the Mac is to have a relative or buddy give you their digital camera as you're standing there with your Mac: plug it in, download to iPhoto, crop, group, build a homepage, add captions, upload and notify.

    I can literally do in about 3 minutes (my new PowerBook gallery, for example) what I've NEVER been able to see my Mom do with a really nice, tricked-out HP, 19" flat screen, etc. That's why I get so up in arms over Spec Whores and hardware junkies, because, frankly, you can have the most cutting-edge, powerful set-up in the world, but if all you can manage to truly do with it is surf a bit and enter your withdrawals into Quicken, then what's the point? If you're still shooting boring, unedited video and still e-mailing uncropped 28" JPEGS to everyone (and wondering why they're pissed at you), then your computer is using you and not the other way around.

    Hell yes, I'm biased. Proudly so. But for a very good reason. I truly believe Apple "gets it", and when they put something out, you can practically smell the time, care and "sweating the details" put into it.

    I never thought I'd own a digital camera. I never thought I'd put every piece of music I own on my computer and chuck the disks. I never thought I'd look anywhere but the newspaper for movie starting times.

    Congrats, Tree. Enjoy it...you're SUPPOSED to!
  • Reply 3 of 9
    quagmirequagmire Posts: 558member
    I recently switched to Mac and got the 12" Powerbook G4 rev b. I am working on a friend of mine at school. If he is going to switch he says he will get the 15" powerbook. I am saying the 12" is perfect for him. I am also battling with this kid about Mac vs windows. I keep on telling him that apple puts passion into their OS and design of the computer. The PC makers just throw together a stripped down cheaper version of the Mac and throws together the parts of the pc in a box which lacks passion. Apple is pretty innovative. Microsoft just steals apples innovation and calls it their own. People are saying makes are slow because they are at 2.0 Ghz, while intel is at 3.4 Ghz. They won't even take a look at them because they presume that Macs are slow. They will listen to a pc magaazine that the Macs freeze alot and windows doesn't.
  • Reply 4 of 9
    kelibkelib Posts: 740member

    Originally posted by tree

    I will now go forward and preach the benefits of Apple.

    Be careful, too much preaching and you make people hate Apple for life instead of loving it. Just like my PC friends and relatives do to me every day Just show it to people and let them make their own judgement
  • Reply 5 of 9
    progmacprogmac Posts: 1,850member
    hahah. i didn't realize that we were evangelicals. if people are interested in Macs, they will approach your powerbook and ask questions. would you like someone to shove the wonders of windows down your throat?

    although i did volunteer my powerbook to be the Powerpoint presentation computer for one of my classes the other day. when it loaded and ran everyone's powerpoint just fine, they were all, "i didn't know macs were so much like normal computers." i said, "macs are normal computers, just prettier." that is about as preachy as i get. i don't mind razzing the mac stereotypes either (ie that macs are only for looks). keep the marketshare high enough to maintain software development and i'm happy.
  • Reply 6 of 9
    nerudaneruda Posts: 440member

    Originally posted by quagmire

    They will listen to a pc magaazine that the Macs freeze alot and windows doesn't.

    Try this PC magazine

  • Reply 7 of 9
    quagmirequagmire Posts: 558member

    Originally posted by Neruda

    Try this PC magazine


    Note to self: See how even PC magazines steals from apple.
  • Reply 8 of 9
    sparhawksparhawk Posts: 134member
    we just have bought an iMac and allthough it was meant for my wife, i have been spending quite some time behind it hehe

    must admit, i love it! she has got the iMac now and i have the whole pc back to myself.

    but, the next one will be a Mac and not a pc anymore.

    Have to admit, it does take alil to not approach OS X as XP.

    now the next things we need is a lil more ram and and a wacom hehe
  • Reply 9 of 9
    vox barbaravox barbara Posts: 2,021member

    Originally posted by sparhawk


    Have to admit, it does take alil to not approach OS X as XP.

    Yeah i can tell you storys concerning that issue

    I always state to someone new to the mac: hey darling do not treat that thing like windows. (or should i have said "do not threaten that thing with windows)

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