Quick build times (new powerbooks)

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
Hi all,

I'd just like to pass on the info that current build times for a BTO powerbook 17inch is very quick - my order for one was made on the night of the 2nd June, apple then told me that they expected to ship the product by the 16th of June. Earlier today (5th June), I check my apple order status to discover that it has in fact already been shipped!

Lets just see how long shipping will take! I expect the usual 7 days of eager waiting by the door.

The system specs of my order are as follows:

1.5Ghz 17 inch Powerbook

512MB RAM (will upgrade to 1.5GB in a month)

128MB ATI Radeon

5400RPM 80 GB Hard drive

Uk shipping address.


Eager to hear other people's order stories.



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