Buy now or wait??

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
I was going to buy a new eMac, had resolved to do it, then 2 days before the g5 announcement something told me to wait a couple of days. Given the power mac g5 release, should I wait a short time longer? Does anyone think they'll make a g5 eMac any time soon? (as in the next month or 2)


  • Reply 1 of 14
    rhumgodrhumgod Posts: 1,289member

    Originally posted by Grantron

    I was going to buy a new eMac, had resolved to do it, then 2 days before the g5 announcement something told me to wait a couple of days. Given the power mac g5 release, should I wait a short time longer? Does anyone think they'll make a g5 eMac any time soon? (as in the next month or 2)

    In a word, no. G5s for the forseeable future are relegated to Power Macs. If you can wait 3 weeks or so, I would just to see what WWDC brings. If not, buy now. Always better to base a purchase on need than on want.
  • Reply 2 of 14
    ipodandimacipodandimac Posts: 3,273member

    Originally posted by Grantron

    I was going to buy a new eMac, had resolved to do it, then 2 days before the g5 announcement something told me to wait a couple of days. Given the power mac g5 release, should I wait a short time longer? Does anyone think they'll make a g5 eMac any time soon? (as in the next month or 2)

    The emac was updated not too long ago. You have to think from a business standpoint--apple isnt going to update a brand new product. This goes for all of apple's products that people put unrealistic update times on.
  • Reply 3 of 14
    leonardleonard Posts: 528member
    I have to agree with the above, the eMac was just updated, if you want an eMac, BUY NOW. By the way, it'll be awhile before the eMac gets a G5. The eMac is an educational/cheap Mac, and as it is, it supports what the school kids need it to do.

    If you wanted to buy an iMac, well that's a different story, I'd say wait.
  • Reply 4 of 14
    rhumgodrhumgod Posts: 1,289member

    Originally posted by Leonard

    I have to agree with the above, the eMac was just updated, if you want an eMac, BUY NOW. By the way, it'll be awhile before the eMac gets a G5. The eMac is an educational/cheap Mac, and as it is, it supports what the school kids need it to do.

    If you wanted to buy an iMac, well that's a different story, I'd say wait.

    The only thing I am going on is the PowerMac8,1 (iMac OR eMac) machine code in the 10.3.4 extensions. Never know if they'd roll them into one product if the iMac was going to be the "computer for the rest of us" again. Like before the iMac went LCD, and out of the price range of a lot of users, there was only the iMac and it sold well in education.
  • Reply 5 of 14
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member

    Originally posted by Grantron

    I was going to buy a new eMac, had resolved to do it, then 2 days before the g5 announcement something told me to wait a couple of days. Given the power mac g5 release, should I wait a short time longer? Does anyone think they'll make a g5 eMac any time soon? (as in the next month or 2)

    If you ask me it would be nuts not to wait till post WWDC - even if it is 'just in case'... Who know what might or might not happen.. Even a new iMac could change the play-field enough for you to reconsider maybe buying an 'old' iMac (if they are priced reduced to blow the last of them out of inventory). Fact is maybe nothing hardware related will happen at WWDC but why not wait and see... Unless 18 days is gonna kill ya.

  • Reply 6 of 14
    i'm glad i joined this forum! you folks are great!

    Since I'm still a student, a new computer purchase is a pretty big deal even if it's just an eMac, but you've all given me a lot to think about. I understand the business and technical arguments make a lot of sense. Since the g5 uses a larger byte and has different cooling needs etc. they probably can't be so quick to slap it into the more compact units even if they wanted to (for example, the powerbook announcement this week).

    On the other hand, less than 3 weeks to see if there are any changes isn't so long either. It's not urgent, just inevitable.

    Thanks for the advice - you people are awesome!
  • Reply 7 of 14
    rhumgodrhumgod Posts: 1,289member

    Originally posted by Grantron

    Thanks for the advice - you people are awesome!

    Glad to be of help.
  • Reply 8 of 14
    No way in hell will we see a G5 powered eMac, and likely no iMac either. Which is a shame because I would very much like to upgrade to a better unit. My 700mhz 15" Flat panel iMac just doesn't cut it. I'm hoping we will see a revamped iMac line at WWDC, especially since there is a product missing in the $1,400-1,500 price that means SOMETHING must be coming.
  • Reply 9 of 14
    marcukmarcuk Posts: 4,442member
    I dont see why (although I know why it wouldn't happen) that the iMacs could have SP 1.8, 2.0 G5's while the emacs have 1.6 single processors.

    I also hope the iMac gets a Radeon 9600XT, because it should.

    I wouldn't buy now *unless* I needed a machine, iMacs are guaranteed an update within a month. eMacs are good value at the moment in the low end, Powermacs will be upgraded IMO pretty soon (3months) with Radeon X800/600 gpu. Powerbook, wait for the g5/freescale - even if it takes a year. iBook not bad.

    Im waiting until I can get a 2.25/2.5ghz dual G5 with 512MB-1GB DDR, Radeon X800XT/600XT as the mid range model.
  • Reply 10 of 14
    G5's run too hot for an iMac chassis. eMac, maybe...but why? If you can't fit a G5 into an iMac, why stick into low-end models? What I would really like to see is Apple fill the conspicuously missing $1,499 price spot with a nice 17" model fully loaded. Do that, and I might upgrade from my old 15".
  • Reply 11 of 14
    mattjohndrowmattjohndrow Posts: 1,618member

    Originally posted by Foo Fighter

    G5's run too hot for an iMac chassis. eMac, maybe...but why? If you can't fit a G5 into an iMac, why stick into low-end models? What I would really like to see is Apple fill the conspicuously missing $1,499 price spot with a nice 17" model fully loaded. Do that, and I might upgrade from my old 15".

    if this were to happen, i would snap one up in a heartbeat i need a new computer!!!
  • Reply 12 of 14
    marcukmarcuk Posts: 4,442member

    Originally posted by Foo Fighter

    G5's run too hot for an iMac chassis. eMac, maybe...but why? If you can't fit a G5 into an iMac, why stick into low-end models? What I would really like to see is Apple fill the conspicuously missing $1,499 price spot with a nice 17" model fully loaded. Do that, and I might upgrade from my old 15".

    G5's run too hot for an iMac by Apple's standards only. Until Apple realize that people buy millions of computers that run hot and make a ton of noise, they will not sell that many computers.

    Prescott P4's output twice the heat of G5's, yet they are cooled by a heatsink 1/8th the size of the G5's and one high speed fan. Yet people buy them by the millions. People put Prescotts and 9800XT's in Shuttles.

    Apple have made a conscious decision to make quiet computers. The side-effect of this is that they will not be performance competitive or cheap.
  • Reply 13 of 14
    The fact that the G5 is too hot for an iMac chassis, is in my opinion a red herring. Look for a new form factor in the next iMac. On the same note, how much can one of those water cooling units really run Apple to make?

    Me, I'm saving money for my G5 Mac Classic. Complete with 9 inch Black and White LCD (maybe an array of iPod screens?). The empty space made by the abandoned CRT would make for a great convection exhaust.
  • Reply 14 of 14
    resres Posts: 711member

    Originally posted by MarcUK

    Im waiting until I can get a 2.25/2.5ghz dual G5 with 512MB-1GB DDR, Radeon X800XT/600XT as the mid range model.

    Sounds good to me, but it will probably be a build to order for the X800XT/600XT. Apple seems loath to put in good video cards in the base models.
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