First Abu Ghraib, now Air Ticket Gate, how can Rummy survive?
Saw this on CBS news this morning.
As Rumsfeld is the head of the DOD, it's clear he should be held 100% responsible for the 100 million dollars wasted because of poor management. Either that, or this was a covert subsidy for the airline industry, which is illegal.
Let's get rid of him, already.
Saw this on CBS news this morning.
As Rumsfeld is the head of the DOD, it's clear he should be held 100% responsible for the 100 million dollars wasted because of poor management. Either that, or this was a covert subsidy for the airline industry, which is illegal.
Let's get rid of him, already.
well, I guess it would be better spent on armorment for a Humvee, or a Kevlar vest than a new G5 for me . . .
Originally posted by trumptman
Imagine that, the government spending money in a wasteful manner. I suppose that is why some of desire to give as little of it to the government as possible. However I suppose in this instance it was at least wasted on one of its actual primary purposes.
Government waste, especially of this nature, is a bi-partisan issue. Unless you realize the government ended up directly subsidizing the airline industry, which is good for big business I suppose. Lots of us oppose corporate welfare.
Originally posted by ShawnJ
Government waste, especially of this nature, is a bi-partisan issue. Unless you realize the government ended up directly subsidizing the airline industry, which is good for big business I suppose. Lots of us oppose corporate welfare.
Including me.
Originally posted by SDW2001
Including me.
Then you ought to be coming out of your skin over Iraq, since it's been from the start one giant corporate welfare project.
Originally posted by ShawnJ
Government waste, especially of this nature, is a bi-partisan issue. Unless you realize the government ended up directly subsidizing the airline industry, which is good for big business I suppose. Lots of us oppose corporate welfare.
You just don't get it do you?
We probably throw away that amount of money a year in milk from our "free" lunch programs which just about anyone and everyone qualifies for nowadays. That was over the course of six years. If I wanted to list all the departments/agencies that waste 16-17 million a year on things I consider unnecessary, I would have a list several miles long.
You are right that it is an issue that affects everyone. But it is certainly not bipartisan because in order to make the government work correctly, it should be limited and only involved in roles that it would do well. Anytime it gets into income redistribution, and things of that nature it has waste and fraud on levels that make these airline tickets look tiny. I would bet that the number of people who managed to get the Earned Income Tax Credit under false pretense last year alone was probably a couple BILLION dollars. Routine audits of of Medicare turn up similar results as well.
The Republicans have proposed reducing the score of government. Democrats, only want to increase it. The only difference between the two at this stage is the rhetoric because the Republicans haven't made the government smaller. Government is always wasteful and unaccountable. It is it's nature.
Originally posted by tonton
So let's start here. What's stopping us? We both agree that this is a waste of taxpayers' money. START HERE.
They did start there, hence the audit that turned up the waste that occurred for six years.
However tossing some mock outrage over $16 million in misspent funds while ignoring the BILLIONS misspent is the height of hypocracy. I'm ready to roll Republican and Democratic heads over the out of control spending. But don't sit there and give me some false outrage when the guys you use it for would spend and waste even more.
Am I supposed to somehow support a Democrat when half this waste occurred during the last half of the Clinton term? It just proves we need someone even more conservative fiscally than even the Republicans. If you are telling me you would support that, then we have a "start." Otherwise you are just trying to stir up some outrage for no good reason.
Until Americans as a people (and I mean millions of people) stand up and declare that we're "mad as hell and aren't going to take it anymore" we're going to get the short end of the stick from the goverment.
[On Topic]
I heard a rumor that Rumsfeld is resigning on July 1. It could be a crock but I thought I'd pass it on.
It just proves we need someone even more conservative fiscally than even the Republicans.
Republicans are not fiscally conservative. They just have different spending priorities.
You guys don't even try to hide it.
Originally posted by a_greer
If waistful spending is what you want, look at the education system, the more money the schools get, the lower the grad. rates and test scores, WTF is that?
It might have something to do with teachers having waaaaaay too many students.
All governments in the past have their share of stupidity. It is not restricted to the current one. Lets just kick Rums out of the office anyway.
Originally posted by talksense101
Isn't there a website with a full list of stupid projects that the government spends taxpayer money on? I remember going through it once, don't recall it now.
All governments in the past have their share of stupidity. It is not restricted to the current one. Lets just kick Rums out of the office anyway.
yeah, it's called the budget:
Originally posted by midwinter
It might have something to do with teachers having waaaaaay too many students.
Exactly, if this money isnt hireing teachers then what the f-u-c-k is it doing,
Capitol hill is a perfect example of a line from the sopranos, "Money runs uphill, bulls*it runs down"
Originally posted by trumptman
You just don't get it do you?
We probably throw away that amount of money a year in milk from our "free" lunch programs which just about anyone and everyone qualifies for nowadays. That was over the course of six years. If I wanted to list all the departments/agencies that waste 16-17 million a year on things I consider unnecessary, I would have a list several miles long.
Do we?
Originally posted by trumptman
You are right that it is an issue that affects everyone.
Of course.
Originally posted by trumptman
But it is certainly not bipartisan because in order to make the government work correctly, it should be limited and only involved in roles that it would do.
Believe it or not, Democrats don't encourage defrauding the government. Yes, it's a bipartisan issue.
Originally posted by trumptman
Anytime it gets into income redistribution, and things of that nature it has waste and fraud on levels that make these airline tickets look tiny.
Due to the amount of welfare our government gives out (which pails in comparison to other countries but dwarfs 100 million dollars), it's not surprising. But conversely, the amount of income tax and other related fraud at the top income levels probably dwarfs those way overhyped "welfare queens."
Originally posted by trumptman
I would bet that the number of people who managed to get the Earned Income Tax Credit under false pretense last year alone was probably a couple BILLION dollars. Routine audits of of Medicare turn up similar results as well.
You're probably wrong.
Originally posted by trumptman
The Republicans have proposed reducing the score of government. Democrats, only want to increase it. The only difference between the two at this stage is the rhetoric because the Republicans haven't made the government smaller.
The line about Democrats isn't necessarily true.
Originally posted by trumptman
Government is always wasteful and unaccountable. It is it's nature.
No, it's the nature of poor administration and oversight of that government.