powerbook battery at 84% max

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
never having had decent battery time on my 15" 1.25ghz AlBook - usually get 2.5 hours at most, Airport and Blootooth off, screen half brightness - it's now refusing to charge over 84%, at which point the green charge light comes on.

I've tried resetting the battery manager with shift+option+control+power, but to no avail.

I've had the machine 8 months. Any suggestions?


  • Reply 1 of 2
    durandaldurandal Posts: 277member

    Originally posted by jasonfj

    never having had decent battery time on my 15" 1.25ghz AlBook - usually get 2.5 hours at most, Airport and Blootooth off, screen half brightness - it's now refusing to charge over 84%, at which point the green charge light comes on.

    I've tried resetting the battery manager with shift+option+control+power, but to no avail.

    I've had the machine 8 months. Any suggestions?

    I remember reading some months ago that the energy display sometimes doesn't provide the correct battery status (e.g. 84% when the battery actually is at 100). Apple recommends using the PB until the battery is down to 0% and it goes into sleep mode. Then plug it in and let the battery recharge to 100%.

    Not sure whether it'll work, just some idea/thought that came across my mind.


  • Reply 2 of 2
    jasonfjjasonfj Posts: 570member
    I've trieed that several times, as well as running Battery Update 1.1, but still no better.
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